1. O son of glories, never fear adversity
By the right of your ancestor, this is no place for dams
١. يا اِبنَ الاِماجِد لا تَخش الرَدى أَبَدا
وَحَق جَدّك ما هذا المَقام سَدا
2. Do not let those who oppose you alarm you by what they did
How many nobles were hated by their people out of envy
٢. وَلا يَهولنك من أَعداك ما فَعَلوا
كَم سَيد بَغضته قَومه حسدا
3. Do you not see your ancestor al-Mukhtar who
Faced envy from his people who harmed and opposed him
٣. أَما تَرى جَدّك المُختار كانَ لَهُ
مِن قَومِهِ حَسد يُؤذونَه وَعدا
4. You are the son of the Prophet's favorite, how do you see
Injustice when your Lord has given you all the support
٤. أَنتَ اِبن سيط رَسول اللَهِ كَيفَ تَرى
ضيما وَربك قَد أَعطى لَكَ المَدَدا
5. Glory is your glory, O son of the most honorable, so whoever
Denies your supremacy out of obstinacy, may he perish like a pillar
٥. وَالمَجدُ مجدُكَ يا اِبنَ الاِكرَمين فَمن
يُنكِر عَلاك عِنادا فليمت كَمدا
6. Rejoice O Umar in a long life undisturbed
By misfortune, and a happy fate without adversity
٦. اِبشِر يِعُمر مَديد لا يُكَدّره
سوء وَدَهر سَعيد لَيسَ فيهِ رَدى
7. For how many glories of your ancestors will tomorrow's
Era fall short of, however far it reaches
٧. فَكَم لا سَلافك الاِمجاد من مدد
غَدا يقصر عَن شَأواه كل مدى
8. How many hands have you known to do good
And how much pride shone like two moons
٨. وَكَم يَد لك بِالمَعروف قَد عَرَفت
وَكَم فَخار كَضوء الفَرقَدَين بَدا
9. What honor you have, O People of Zahra
Raised to the highest by God, as attested in the Quran
٩. وَكَم لَكُم يا بَني الزَهراء مِن شَرَف
عالَ بِهِ اللَهُ في القُرآن قَد شَهِدا
10. Virtues decreed by the Generous Lord for you
By which you became oceans of bounty
١٠. مَكارِمَ قَدّر المَولى الكَريم بِها
لَكُم فَأَنتُم بِها صِرتُم بُحور نَدى
11. O Pride of the Age, content yourself, for you are of
A people, that when described, are the happy ones
١١. يا أَحمَد العَصر طِب نَفساً فَاِنَّكَ مِن
قَوم اِذا وَصَفوا كانوا هُم السَعدا
12. God has ennobled you from early times and purified you
And singled you out, O People of Zahra, with all guidance
١٢. اللَهُ شَرّ فكم قَدما وَطهركم
وَخَصَّكُم يا بَني الزَهرا بِكُل هُدى
13. Who can compete with you or be like you
When praise of you is in the Book of God?
١٣. مَن ذا يُفاخركم أَو من يُشابهكُم
وَمَدحكم في كِتاب اللَهِ قَد وَرَدا
14. God has granted you, O People of Fatima
A supremacy in highness granted to no other
١٤. اللَهُ أَعطاكُم يا آلَ فاطِمَة
فَضيلَة في العُلا لَم يُعطِها أَحَدا
15. You are kings over all people, and yours,
O People of Taha, is the banner of glory that was tied
١٥. أَنتُم مُلوك عَلى كُل الوَرى وَلَكُم
يا آلَ طه لواء المَجد قَد عقدا
16. My tongue falls short of praising you
I cannot extend to it a hand
١٦. هذا لِساني قَصير عَن مَديحُكُم
لا أَستَطيع اِلَيهِ ان أَمدّ يَدا
17. And how can I praise you when God praises you
With never-ending praise through time?
١٧. وَكَيفَ أَمدحكُم وَاللَه يَمدحكم
مَدحا مدا الدهر يبتلي ذِكره أَبَدا
18. But my aim is that I am a man who
Hopes in loving the Household for salvation tomorrow
١٨. لكِنّ غايَة أَمري اِنَّني رَجُل
بِحُبّ آل النَبي أَرجو النَجاةَ غَدا