
In the garden of this poetry my sight strolled,

بروضة هذا النظم نزهت ناظري

1. In the garden of this poetry my sight strolled,
And my sorrowful heart roamed in it.

١. بِرَوضَة هذا النُظم نزهت ناظِري
وَسَرحت فيه طرف قَلبي المُتَيَّم

2. I found it a grove of overflowing virtue,
Wherein the nightingales of knowledge sing the best songs.

٢. فَأَلفَيتُه بُستان فَضل تَرَنمت
بِه صادِحات العلم خَير تَرنم

3. I let my mind wander through its meanings,
Then it bent over its weakness like a determined sword.

٣. وَجلت بِذهنى في مُعانيه فَاِنثَنى
عَلى ضُعفِه مِثل الحسام المُصَمصَم

4. My thoughts were confused in it, as for its taste,
It is sweet Euphrates, delicious to learn.

٤. تحير فِكري فيه أَما مذاقَه
فَحلو فَرات سائِغ لِلتَعَلُّم

5. As for its meanings, they are excellent,
Appearing to distinguish or swear an oath.

٥. وَأَما مَعانيهِ فَتِلكَ بَذيعَة
تَلوح بِفَرق أَو بِوَجه مُقسم

6. To spend one's life on the likes of it,
Is nothing but a string of organized pearls.

٦. عَلى مِثلِهِ فَاِليُنفِق المَرء عُمرُه
فَما هُو الا عَقد دُرّ مُنظم

7. Take it if you seek a sealed treasure,
For not every treasure is protected like it.

٧. عَلَيكَ بِهِ اِن رُمت كَنزا مُلسِما
فَما كُل كَنز مِثلُهُ بِمُسلِم

8. And protect what its author has produced,
The new moons of time meet the excellence of the early.

٨. وَقه عَلى ما أَبرَزت من مُؤلف
بَد الدَهر تَلق الفَضل لِلمُتَقَدّم

9. Ask the jurists about it if you want its superiority,
For every ignorant person is blind to its beauties.

٩. وَسَل عَنهُ أَهل الفِقهِ اِن رُمت فَضلَه
فَكُل جَهول عَن مَحاسِنَهُ عم

10. Take from the sea a pearl if you seek its jewels,
And judge by merit or juristic rulings as you wish.

١٠. عَن البَحر حَدّي اِن تَطلبت دُرّه
وَبِالفَضل أَو بِالفَصل ما شِئت فَاِحكُم

11. It was copied on the tenth of Jamada al-awwal,
In a year whose date has sealed glory.

١١. بِعَشر جَماد أَوّل كان نُسخَة
بِعام لَه تاريخ مَجد مختم

12. By God, how excellent its prosody and composition,
And rulings without stuttering.

١٢. فَلِلَّهِ ما أَحلاه نُظما وَرَقة
وَاِحكام أَحكام بِغير تَلَعثُم

13. My God, pardon its author and be
For him a refuge from hellfire.

١٣. الهي فَاِعفُ عَن مؤلفه وَكُن
لَهُ مُلجَأ من حُرّ نارِ جَهَنَّم

14. And let him settle in Gardens of Eden generously,
For You are the Most Generous.

١٤. وَأَسكَنَهُ في جَنّاتِ عَدن تَكَرُّما
فَأَنتَ الَّذي ما زِلت أَهل التَكَرّم

15. And bless the Chosen One, by whom You ennobled
The truces of Badr, Hudaybiyyah and Zamzam.

١٥. وَصل عَلى طه الَّذي شَرّفت بِهِ
مَعاهِد بَدر وَالحَطيم وَزَمزَم