1. You ransom me, O full moon, pouring without stint
On my eyelids with sleep, except with tears, times of wakefulness
١. يَفديكَ يا بَدر صَبّ ما بَخلت عَلى
جَفنَيهِ بِالنَوم اِلّا بِالدُموعِ سنحا
2. Ever busy on the cheeks' pages, repeating passion
Until it took root, even in the breast's cavity
٢. ما زالَ في صَفحاتِ الخَدّ مُجتَهِدا
يُكَرّر الوَجد حَتّى في الحَشى رَسخا
3. O healer of my cousin's wound, and undoer
Of the pact of love towards you, not once unloosing it
٣. يا ممرضي بِشَقيق عَمّ وَجنته
وَجاعِل عَنكَ وَلا عقد الهَوى فسخا
4. No harm had it been, had you persisted downcast
Neither undoing the pact of love towards you
٤. ما كانَ ضرّك لَو واصَلت مُكتَئِبا
ما حالَ عَنكَ وَلا عقد الهَوى فسخا
5. You distance it from you or stir it up, it will scream
O you who blame me for it, heap me not overmuch,
٥. ها أَنتَ غُصن وَقَلبي طائِر فَإِذا
أَبعَدته عَنكَ أَو هَيَّجتُه صرخا
6. For I never knew it deviate from my patience, once committed
Perplexed am I, whether to meet it with refusal or consent,
٦. يا عاذِلي فيهِ لا تَكثر عَلَيّ فَما
قَد كُنت أَعهده من صَبري اِنتَسخا
7. And if I gratified it, at first it disdained, or persisted arrogantly
My lifetime have I passed in hardship, and they claimed
٧. وَاِحيرَتي اِن أَقل صلني بِصول وَاِن
أَرضَيتُه صَدّ أَولا يَنته شمخا
8. That lovers in time of straits are [found] bent down despondently
٨. قَضيت دَهري في كَرب وَقَد زَعَموا
بَأَنَّ أَهلَ الهَوى في شِدَّةِ وَرخا