1. My friend, tell me, what are these lights?
Are they suns, or are they moons?
١. صاحَ قُل لي ما هذِهِ الانوار
أَشموس هاتيكَ أَم أَقمار
2. Or treasures filled with pearls?
Or mysteries in which secrets are concealed?
٢. أَم كُنوز مَملوءَة بِلآل
أَمرُموز في ضمنها أَسرار
3. Or is it the morning breeze walking enchanted
Leaving behind it the spreading dawn?
٣. أَم نَسيم الصِبا تَمشي سَحيرا
تَرَكتُ عِند نَشرِهِ الاِسحار
4. O people of Eidarous, you were excellent carpenters
How wonderful you and that carpenter were!
٤. يا بَني العَيدَروس طِبتُم نَجارا
حَبذا اِنتَمو وَذاكَ النَجّار
5. You are a people whose guest is not wronged
By a ruler, and who does not oppress a neighbor
٥. أَنتُم القَوم لا يُضام نزيل
في حاكم وَلَيسَ يظلم جار
6. You are a people whose grandfather was the noblest of messengers
And you, after him, are the best people
٦. أَنتُم القَوم جَدّكم أَشرَف الرُس
ل وَأَنتُم مِن بَعدِهِ الاخبار
7. O people of Eidarous, O family of Taha
Your virtue has no limit to be described
٧. يا بَني العَيدَروس يا آل طه
فَضلكُم ما لِوَصفِهِ مِقدار
8. God has honored Egypt today through you
With a noble one whose banner is perfection
٨. شَرّف اللَه مصرنا اليَوم مِنكُم
بِشَريف لَهُ الكَمال شِعار
9. He is Abdel Rahman, the pole of nobility
For the regions have shone through him
٩. هُوَ عَبدُ الرَحمن قَطب ذَوي العر
فان من أَشرَقت بِهِ الأَمصار
10. One day I said to his eulogists: be conscious
His merit cannot be fully told in poetry
١٠. قُلت يَوماً لِمادِحيه أَفيقوا
فَضله لا تقله الاِشعار