
Those branches the morning breeze has gently swayed

تلك الغصون امالتها الصبا هيفا

1. Those branches the morning breeze has gently swayed
And the garden has gifted us from its blossoms a present

١. تِلك الغُصون امالَتها الصَبا هيفا
وَالرَوض أَهدى لَنا من نَشرِه تحفا

2. The clouds have sadly cried over its vines out of yearning
And shown in the garden a different kind of grief

٢. وَالارق ناحَت عَلى اِفنانِها طَربا
وَأَظهَرَت شَجنا في الرَوضِ مُختَلِفا

3. This warbling on the highest branch all shaken
As if it were a hamza joined to an alif

٣. هذا الهزار بِأَعلى الغُصن مضطَرِب
كَأَنَّهُ همزَة قَد عانَقَت أَلفا

4. And here is the melody of strings singing to us
The water of youth has flowed describing it beautifully

٤. وَهذه نَغمَة الاِوتار تُنشِدُنا
قَد راقَ ماء الصِبا لما جَرى وَصفا

5. And the wind plays with the moist branch whenever
It extends to it an edge, it draws near to it an edge

٥. وَالريح تَعبث بِالغُصن الرَطيب اِذا
أَقصى لَها طرفا أَدنَت له طَرفا

6. And the clouds weep while the garden's lips are smiling
And the nightingale has been cloaked at dawn with pearls

٦. وَالسحب تَبكي وَثغر الرَوض مُبتَسِم
وَالاِقحُوان غَدا بِالطَلّ ملتَحِفا

7. And the cloud strews gems above outstretched
Of emerald, its shape tells stories

٧. وَالغَيمُ يَنثُر دُرّا فَوقَ مُنبَسِط
من الزَبرجد يحكى شَكله الصحفا

8. And the air has clapped its edges out of joy
When an army of rain came covered in it

٨. وَالجَوّ قد صفقت أَطرافه فَرحا
لما أَتى عسكر من غيثه كسفا

9. And time has been generous with what it was stingy of
When it saw the light of this lord unveiled

٩. وَالدَهر جادَ بِما قَد كانَ ضنّ بِهِ
لما رَأى نور هذا السيد اِنكَشَفا

10. Pole of virtues, Abd al-Khaliq son of Abu al-Takhassisa
Son of Abu al-Asaad son of Wafa

١٠. قطب المَكارِمِ عَبد الخالِق اِبن أَبي التخ
صيص اِبن أَبى الاسعاد اِبن وفى

11. The noble hero son of the noble hero son of
The noble hero son of the noble lords

١١. السيد البَطل اِبن السَيد البَطل اِب
ن السَيد البَطل اِبن السادَة الشرفا

12. Cave of masters, treasure of glory, mine of eloquence's secrets
By might he has been known

١٢. كهف السِيادَةِ كَنز المَجدِ مَعدَن أَس
رار البَلاغَة من بِالعز قَد عرفا

13. The most virtuous of people by lineage, the highest by ancestry
The strongest by nature, the most honoured by nobility

١٣. أَزكى الوَرى حَسبا أَعلاهُم نَسَبا
أَقواهُم عُنصُر أَرقاهُم شَرَفا

14. The lineage of generosity, scion of merit, lofty of
Status, sublime of lineage, most faithful of kin

١٤. نسل الكِرام سَليل الفَضلِ مُرتَفِع ال
مَقام سامي الذَرى أَوفى الوَرى كنفا

15. This is honour, speak of its features
And mention with it ancestors if you wish or successors

١٥. هذا هو العز حدّث عن معالمِه
وَاِذكُر بِه سَلَفا اِن شِئتَ أَو خَلَفا

16. My friend, if you wish to sanctify
To newcomers, here are a pure and eloquent sea

١٦. يا صاحِبِيّ اِذا ما شِئتُما حرما
لِلوارِدين فها بحرا صفا وَصفا

17. And speak of the essence of all generosity
And appearance with glories, in it no hiddenness

١٧. وَحدثا عَن جناب كله كرم
وَمَظهَر بِالمَعالي لَيسَ فيه خفا

18. And what can praise reach its ultimate?
Sufficient for it is, every time, its Lord and enough

١٨. وَما عَسى أَن يَنال المَدح غايَته
وَحَسبُه كل وَقت ربه وَكَفى