1. Is that a smile blossoming?
Or is that gentle grace embodied?
١. هَل ذاكَ ثغر تَبسم
أَم ذاكَ لُطف تجسم
2. Or is it a garden singing
With the melody of its warbler?
٢. أَم رَوضَة قَد تَغَنّى
شَحرورِها وَتَرَنَّم
3. Or is it a breeze reminding us
Of the fragrance of days gone by?
٣. أَم نَفحَة ذكرَتنا
بِطيبِ عَهد تقدم
4. Or is it the north wind in the thorn-bushes
With the scent of Wadi Qanan?
٤. أَم شَمال شحرى
بِنَفح وادي القَنانِم
5. Or is it youth when it blew
And removed cares and sorrows?
٥. أَم الصَبا حين هبت
أَزالَت الهم وَالغَم
6. Or is it the Numan's lightning
When it appeared with illusory light?
٦. أَم بَرق نُعمان لما
بَدا من النورِ أَوهَم
7. Or is it a nightingale distilling
The essence of beauty?
٧. أَم ذاكَ بُلبُل فَضل
عَن المَحاسِنَ تَرجَم
8. Or is it the days of pilgrimage
When the vale inclined towards Muzdalifa?
٨. أَم ذاكَ عَهد المَصلى
نَحا العَذيب وَيمم
9. Long I blamed fate
And thought fate ungenerous.
٩. قَد كُنت أَعتَب دَهري
وَأَحسَب الدَهر أَعقَم
10. Often I doubted it
And said, "O fate, enough, enough!"
١٠. وَطالَما ساءَ ظَنّي
وَقلت يا دَهر كَم كَم
11. How many ignorant whine
And how many virtuous suffer!
١١. كَم جاهِل يَتَأَلى
وَفاضِل يَتَأَلَّم
12. Ignorance spreads while merit
Goes unrecognized.
١٢. وَالجَهل عَمّ وَأَما
فَضل فَلا فَضل يَعلَم
13. How often I sought elevation
Only to be told, "No, no!"
١٣. وَكَم طَلَبت عليا
فَقالَ لا لا وَصمم
14. And I said, "O fate, bah, bah!"
But it deafened and muted me.
١٤. وَقُلتُ يا دَهر مه مه
فَصدّعني وَهمهَم
15. So I said, "My fate is stingy
With merit, though God is generous."
١٥. فَقُلتُ دَهري بَخيل
بِالفَضل وَاللَه أَكرَم
16. And my mind almost proclaimed
"The heights of glory are crumbling!"
١٦. وَكادَ فِكري يُنادي
رُبع المَعالي تهدّم
17. Until I witnessed a wonder
From your dazzling grace,
١٧. حَتّى رَأَيت عَجيبا
من فَضلِكَ الباهِر الجَم
18. And it said to praise you
Is an obligation imposed on me.
١٨. فَقالَ لي مَدح هذا
فَرض عَلَيكَ مُحتَم
19. While to praise another
Would be improper.
١٩. وَفي اِمتِداح سِواه
لُزوم ما لَيسَ يَلزَم
20. Thus merit appears
Through investigation, while ignorance hides it.
٢٠. وَهكَذا الفَضل يَبدو
بِالفَحصِ وَالجَهلِ يَكتم
21. This is the glory, so understand it
And praise it if you comprehend.
٢١. هذا هو المَجد هذا
فَاِمدَحه اِن كُنت تَفهَم
22. This is Ali bin Taiy
This is the exalted majestic one.
٢٢. هذا عَلى بن تاج
هذا المعلى المُعظَم
23. This is the son of an ancient house
Beside Kada and Muhatim.
٢٣. هذا اِبن بَيت عَتيق
لَدى كَدى وَالمحطم
24. This is the son of Mecca, so look
To whom its sacred precincts belong.
٢٤. هذا اِبن مكة فَاِنظُر
لِمَن لذى البُقعَة اِنضَم
25. God is greatest! This
Is the station of one who aimed to succeed.
٢٥. اللَه أَكبَر هذا
مَقام من رامَ يَغنَم
26. This is a noble station
Of a source above blame.
٢٦. هذا مَقام شَريف
من نَبعة تَأنف الذم
27. An origin of Quraish
Saying, "There is no blemish."
٢٧. جُرثومَة من قُرَيش
تَقول ما ثُمَّ مَأثَم
28. A unique pearl necklace
Fostered by the Sacred House.
٢٨. وَعقد دُرّ فَريد
أَنماهُ بَيت مُحَرّم
29. Its pastures are Najd's virgins
And the meadows of the Valley of Tuhamah.
٢٩. مَرباه بانات نجد
وَسوح ذاكَ المُختَم
30. Its beauties cannot be counted;
Its limit cannot be known.
٣٠. مَحاسِنَ لَيسَ تُحصى
وَحدّها لَيسَ يَعلَم
31. And if you seek its end,
You will be confounded, and silence is best.
٣١. وَاِن تَرد منتهاها
أَعيتك وَالصَمت أَسلَم
32. O unmatched one of the age in kindness,
O son of Hujr and Zamzam,
٣٢. يا واحد العصر لطفا
يا ابنَ الحطيم وَزَمزَم
33. O son of the first ones from Quraish
Who won the shared lead,
٣٣. يا اِبن الاولى من قُريش
حازوا السِباق المُسهَم
34. Surpassing humanity in struggle,
Through effort, birth, and upbringing.
٣٤. فاقوا البَرِيَّة فَخرا
بِالجِدِّ وَالخال وَالعَم
35. You are the freely chosen Imam
Whether hostility ceases or persists.
٣٥. أَنتَ الاِمام المُفَدّى
اِن سلم الضدّ أَو لَم
36. You attained a glory sufficient
To satisfy all people, if divided.
٣٦. أَنتَ الَّذي حُزت مجدا
يَكفي الوَرى لَو تقسم
37. If Badi' al-Zaman Hamadhani saw you,
Or Sa'd had Sa'd's good fortune,
٣٧. أَنتَ الَّذي لَو رَآهُ
بَديع همدان سلم
38. He would learn from you.
So God has guided your steps with fortune in meaning and expression.
٣٨. أَو كانَ لِلسَعدِ سَعد
لَكانَ مِنكَ تَعلَم
39. I ransom your steps and words,
Produced through hand and mouth.
٣٩. فَيُا رَعى اللَه خطا
بِالحَظِّ مَعناه قَد عَم
40. If I say your writing is fine,
Your fortune is higher and greater.
٤٠. أَفديهَ خطا وَلَفظا
أَتى من اليَد وَالفَم
41. Or if I say your memory is strong,
Your understanding is stronger and more upright.
٤١. اِن قُلت خط عَلَيّ
فَالحَظ أَعلى وَأَعظَم
42. Or if I say you are a refined branch,
The origin is a venerated crown.
٤٢. وأَو قُلتُ حفظ قَوِيّ
فَالفِهم أَقوى وَأَقوَم
43. I do not blame fate
For what is past; that would be a crime.
٤٣. أَو قُلتُ فَرع زَكّى
فَالاِصل تاج مُكَرّم
44. I pardoned my fate when
I saw it favor you.
٤٤. لا آخذ اللَه دَهرا
فيما مَضى كانَ أَجرَم
45. And since I found your speech
Arranging scattered pearls,
٤٥. سامَحت دَهري لما
رَأَيته بِك أَنعم
46. I said: "Merits are gifts
Even if you are the last of them."
٤٦. وَمُذ وَجَدتك تُبدي
لَفظا كدر منظم
47. Your pearl, my lord, is ink
You have given in merit what none other has.
٤٧. قُلتُ المَزايا عَطايا
وَان تَكُن آخراكم
48. Every word of yours is gentle,
And every meaning of yours is solid.
٤٨. لِلَّهِ دُرُّكَ حبرا
أَعطيتَ في الفَضلِ ما لَم
49. If you use rhetorical devices,
You are the perfect rhetorician.
٤٩. فَكل لِفظِكَ لطف
وَكل مَعناكَ محكَم
50. And if you compose verse,
You put every enamored one to shame.
٥٠. فانَ تفه بِبَديع
فَهو البَديع المُتمم
51. And if you speak prose,
You express it though it is obscure.
٥١. وَان أَتَيت بِنُظم
أَشحَيت كل مُتَيم
52. And everything you say
Is the words of a submitter.
٥٢. وَان تكلمت نثرا
أَعرَبته وَهو معجَم
53. And if you present evidence,
It is the most upright evidence.
٥٣. وَكُلَّما قُلت قَولا
فَذاكَ قَول مُسلِم
54. What can I say when I wish
To speak of you?
٥٤. وَان أَقَمت دَليلاً
فَهو الدَليل المقَوّم
55. Your sublime traits surpassed
What I can grasp or know.
٥٥. ماذا أَقول اِذا ما
أَرَدت أَن أَتَكَلَّم
56. O fate, you have favored me, so forgive
What I have done and have mercy.
٥٦. أَوصافك الغر فاقَت
عَما أحيط وَأَعلَم
57. And O my tongue, be patient,
And O my composing, proceed,
٥٧. يا دَهر أَنعَمت فَاِغفِر
ما كانَ مني وَاِرحَم
58. And say: He is a unique pearl
Through whom time is honored.
٥٨. وَيا لِساني تَأَخّر
وَيا بنان تَقَدّم
59. He has no peer
In essence, quality or quantity.
٥٩. وَاِجري وَقُل هُو عقد
بِهِ الزَمان تَكَرَّم
60. Every beautiful description
Is perfected in him.
٦٠. وَما لَهُ من نَظير
في الذات وَالكيف وَالكَم
61. And how can I praise him
When his abundant merit is supreme?
٦١. وَكل وَصف جَميل
لِغَيرِهِ فيه قَد تَم
62. The ultimate point is that I
Am incapable, and God knows best.
٦٢. وَكَيف أَثنى عَلَيهِ
وَفَضلُه الجَم أَفخَم
٦٣. وَغايَة الأمر أَني
عَجِزتُ وَاللَهُ أَعلَم