1. O ally of glory, though my heart is struck
And I have naught but these open spaces - open spaces
١. حَليف العُلا اِن الفُؤاد مُصاب
وَما لي سِوى هذي الرِحابُ رِحاب
2. A gentle breeze has revived me
With it the veil of joy has been lifted from my face
٢. وَقَد أَنعَشَتني هزة أَريحية
بِها زالَ عَن وَجه السُرور نِقاب
3. And stirred my thoughts, a magical breeze
That blew across a bright sky without clouds
٣. وَهيج فِكري نِسمَة سِحرِيَّة
سرت بضيباء لَيسَ فيهِ سِحاب
4. A resolve of joys which restored my determination
And through it fate was generous and nobility upright
٤. عَزيمَة أَفراح بِها طابَ معهد
وَجاد بِها دَهر وَعز جناب
5. With it I knew you were master
And that you are a sea to the hopeless, a refuge
٥. سُرور بِهِ أَيقَنت اِنَّكَ سَيد
وَأَنَّكَ بَحر لِلعُفاة عباب
6. That you have might and pride and steadfastness
And that you are the gateway to splendid glory
٦. وَاِنَّكَ ذو عز وَفَخر وَسودد
وَاِنَّكَ لِلمَجدِ المُؤثل باب
7. I came to you seeking and your might drew near
And your two eyes were not struck with disease
٧. أَتَيتُكَ مُرتادا وَعزك مُقبل
وَلا نَظرتك المُقلَتان تُصاب
8. And I complain to fate of cunning deeds
With which everything I hope for is a mirage
٨. وَأَشكو من الدَهرِ الخؤن صَنائِعا
بِها كُل شَيء أَرتَجيه سَراب
9. But my notion, nay my certainty, is that I
Will have all I call upon you for granted
٩. وَلكن ظَنّي بل يَقيني أَنَّني
لكل الَّذي أَدعوكَ فيه مُجاب
10. And nothing barred me from your door of generosity
Save my lowly state, and the lowly are feared
١٠. وَما عاقَني عَن باب جودِكَ عائِق
سِوى ضِعف حالي وَالضَعيف يُهاب
11. But your fine traits are rich
Beyond need for explaining, and the fair taste is wonder
١١. وَلكن سَجاياكَ الحسان غَنِيَّة
عَنِ الشَرح وَالذَوق السَليم عِجاب
12. So fear no ill or rejection from Allah's servant
For the noble one has a place for every beauty
١٢. فَلا تَخشَ عَبد اللَهِ سوأ وَلا رَدى
فَكل جَميل لِلكَريمِ مَآب
13. And live safe - favors are a talisman
And the giver of favor is beyond reckoning
١٣. وَعِش آمِناً فَالمُكرمات تَميمة
وَلَيسَ عَلى ذي المُكرَمات حِساب
14. And this is a bride who has expressed about your sublime traits
Speaking beautifully of your fine meanings
١٤. وَتِلكَ عَروس عَن مَعاليكَ أَعربت
لها في مَعانيكَ الحسان خِطاب
15. So take her from this poor servant as a gift
And do not spurn her, for a falling star is a falling star
١٥. فَخُذها مِن العَبد الفَقير هدية
وَلا تَحتَقِرها فَالشِهاب شِهاب
16. May the days continue to grant you bliss
And necks submit to you in bounty
١٦. وَلا زاَلت الاِيّام تَمنَحُكَ الهَنا
وَتَخضَع بِالنُعمى لديك رِقاب
17. You continue to rise in the horizons of greatness
Going and returning to this sanctuary
١٧. وَلا زِلتَ تَرقى في مَراقي العُلا وَلى
ذهاب اِلى هذا الحمى وَاِياب