1. Indeed, my sin - by Allah - is a grave sin
Though through your forbearance I seek deliverance
١. إِنَّ ذَنبي وَاللَه ذَنب كَبير
غَير أَني بحلمكم أَستَجير
2. My breast grew constrained, and the sin made my face blush in shame
And repentance led me to change my ways in life
٢. ضاقَ صَدري وَأَخجَل الذَنب وَجهي
وَاِعتَراني من الحَيا تَغيير
3. And I grieved when what happened had happened
Yet destiny had its course set out
٣. وَتَأسفت حين كان الَّذي كا
نَ وَلكن جَرى بِهِ المَقدور
4. And I hesitated to meet you out of shyness
But then my procrastination distressed me
٤. وَتَأَخرت عن لقاكم حياء
ثُمّ اني أَعياني التَأخير
5. And I neglected to present myself before you
Ashamed when neglect had marred me
٥. وَتَرَكت الحُضور بَينَ يَديكم
خَجلا حين عمني التَقصير
6. And I covered myself with disregard and ignorance
Yet not every sinner can remain hidden
٦. وَتسترب بِالتغفل وَالجه
ل وَما كل مذنب مَستور
7. And how much I yearned to be present before you
But then I say - how can I be present?
٧. وَكَم اِشتَقت لِلحُضور اِلَيكُم
ثَم اني أَقول كَيفَ الحُضور
8. And I pondered over salvation from sin
My heart racked in thought
٨. وَتَفكرت في الخَلاص من الذَ
نب فَاَعيا فُؤادي التَفكير
9. And evil notions thronged me
Disquieting me, and confusing my conscience
٩. وَتَوالَت عَلَيّ أَفكار سوء
أَقلقتني وَاِحتار فيها الضَمير
10. But forgiveness is not far from you
So perhaps a broken heart may yet heal
١٠. لكن العَفو لَيس يبعد عَنكُم
فَعَسى أَن يصح قَلب كَسير
11. For surely - by Allah - I think well of you
Though my tongue falls short in expressing my apology
١١. ان ظني وَاللَه فيكم جَميل
وَلساني عن اِعتِذاري قَصير
12. Breadth of heart invited me to what I had done
While forbearance from you is well known
١٢. سعة الصَدر قَد دَعَتني اِلى ما
كانَ مني وَالحلم عَنكُم شَهير
13. It is the way of the noblest to pardon and overlook
Every sin by you is forgiven
١٣. شيمَة الاكرَمين عَفو وَصفح
كل ذنب لَدَيكُم مَغفور