1. I am among the honored family of the Prophet
Whom Allah has purified with complete purification
١. أَنا في عَرض آل بَيت نَبيّ
طَهَر اللَه بَينَهُم تَطهيرا
2. Noble, pious leaders whom Allah has given
An exalted station and great kingdom
٢. سادَة أتقِياء أَعطاهُم اللَه
مقاما ضَخماً وَملكا كَبيرا
3. They welcome those who visit their sanctuary
With radiant, cheerful faces
٣. يتلقون من يَزور حماهم
بِوجوه مُلِئنَ بشرا وَنورا
4. Whoever comes to them hopeful, finds their generosity
And returns delighted and joyous through them
٤. من أَتاهُم مؤمّلا جدواهُم
عاد مُستَبشِراً بِهِم مَسرورا
5. If they are called upon in times of distress, they answer
Or if they strive, their efforts are appreciated
٥. اِن دَعوا في الخطوب يَوماً أَجابوا
أَو سعوا كان سَعيَهُم مَشكورا
6. O noble ones of the world, I have depended on you
So accept a humble, lowly servant
٦. يا كِرام الوَرى حَسِبت عَلَيكُم
فَاِقبَلوا خادِما ذَليلا حَقيرا
7. O oceans of perfection, O family of Taha
How much you have favored and uplifted the fallen
٧. يا بُحور الكمال يا آل طه
كَم مَنَنتُم وَكَم جَبَرتُم كَسيرا
8. How many crying for help have you aided
And how many seeking refuge have you sheltered
٨. كَم أَغَثتُم مَن جاءَكُم مُستَغيثا
وَأَجرتُم من جاءَكُم مُستَجيرا
9. Perhaps your kindness may calm my fears
And dispel the worries and sorrows
٩. فَعَسى عطفة تَسكُن روعى
وَتُزيل الهُموم وَالتَكديرا
10. You are the people whom every beautiful description suits
Nothing but the best is reserved for you
١٠. أَنتُم القَوم كل وَصف جَميل
لَيسَ الا عَلَيكُم مَقصورا
11. Your generosity rains like stars of bounty
We see you as nothing but oceans
١١. جود يمنا كم كَواكِب غيث
لا نَراكُم الا نراكم بُحورا
12. Far be it that a guest would be wronged
In the sanctuary of the family or meet hardship
١٢. حاشَ لِلَّهِ أَن يضام نَزيل
في حما الآل أَو يَرى تَعسيرا
13. Arise, my refuge, my supplies and my sanctuary
They are my helpers whenever I seek a helper
١٣. قم عياذى وَعدّتي وَمَلاذي
هُم نَصيرى اِذا طَلَبت نَصيرا
14. They are my relief from the evil of a gloomy day
It was indeed terrible and foreboding
١٤. هُم غياثي من شَرّ يَوم عَبوس
اِنَّهُ كانَ شَرّ مُستَطيرا
15. O brother of longing, do you see anyone like
The sons of Abdul Muttalib among all people?
١٥. يا أَخا الشَوق هَل تَرى لُبنى عَب
د مَناف في العالَمين نَظيرا
16. Did revelation descend upon any but their house
With Gabriel as a servant assigned?
١٦. هَل عَلى غَير بَيتِهِم نَزل الوَحي
بِجِبريل خادِما مَأمورا
17. Did Allah remove defilement from any but them
As stated clearly in His Scripture?
١٧. هَل سِواهُم قَد أَذهَبَ اللَه عَنهُ
الرجس نَصا في ذِكرِه مَسطورا
18. No - and the one who privileged them with the noblest ancestor
Certainly came with guidance, as a bearer of good news and a warner
١٨. لا وَمن خصَّهم بِأَشرف جَدّ
قَد أَتى بِالهُدى بَشيرا نَذيرا
19. How many honorable ones do you see in Islam, shining like the full moon
And in war, fierce and protective lions?
١٩. كَم شَريف تَراهُ في السلم بَدرا
وَتَراهُ في الحَربِ ليثا غَيورا
20. They are sovereigns over all sovereigns
The Hashimi glory will never fade
٢٠. هُم مُلوك عَلى المُلوك جَميعا
رِفعَة هاشِمِيَّة لن تَبورا