
With your composition this knowledge increased its joy

بنظمك هذا العلم زاد ابتهاجه

1. With your composition this knowledge increased its joy
And from your mind the kindling, its lamp shone

١. بِنُظمك هذا العِلم زادَ اِبتَهاجَه
وَمِن ذِهنِكَ الوَقاد ضاء سَراجُه

2. And the text of Sahnun which you have composed
And elucidated, its crookedness has gone

٢. وَمتن السنوسيّ الَّذي قَد نظمته
وَحَرّرته قَد زالَ عَنهُ اِعوِجاجَه

3. And you have adorned this religion with composition so it bent
Proclaiming pride, the ornament of the religion, its crown

٣. وَزينَت هذا الدين بِالنُظم فَاِنثَنى
يُنادي اِفتِخارا زين الدين تاجَه

4. And the origins of religion you have treated its weakness
By elucidating its meaning, so its constitution is sound

٤. وَفَنّ أَصول الدين عالَجت ضُعفُه
بِتَجريد مَعناه فَصح مَزاجَه

5. And this religion had been difficult, prevented
But with this composition, its treatment is light

٥. وَقَد كانَ هذا الدين صَعبا ممنعا
وَلكن بِهذا النظم هان عِلاجَه

6. And the market of learning had been stagnant
But now its circulation continues outright

٦. وَكانَ بِهِ سوق التَعَلم كاسِدا
وَلكِنَّهُ الآن اِستَمَرّ رَواجَه

7. I examined it and was gladdened by its beauty
And my gladness increased by its method and pairing

٧. تَأَمّلت فيه فَاِبتَهَجت بِحُسنِهِ
وَزادَ اِبتِهاجي نَهجه وَاِزدِواجه

8. Upon you is this art for one's religion
Increases by it light and strengthens its argument

٨. عَلَيكَ بِهذا الفَنّ فَالمَرءُ دينه
يَزيد بِهِ نوارا وَيَقوى اِحتِجاجَه

9. For this is the sea one who comes
To its springs, its brackishness is sweetened

٩. فَهذا هُوَ البَحرُ الَّذي مَن أَتى اِلى
مَوارِدِهِ يَحلو اِلَيهِ أَجاجَه

10. Upon its like should one spend their life
For you have gathered all the origins, unadulterated

١٠. عَلى مِثلِهِ فَاليَنفق المَرءُ عُمره
فَقَد جَمَعت كُل الاِصول فَجاجَه

11. And we hope for abundant reward
Through this system and its outcome

١١. وَاِنا لِنَرجو وافِر الاِجر الَّذي
عَلى يَدِهِ هذا النَظام نَتاجَه

12. Through it the answered prayers are harvested
And collected for the crown of religion, so it's his revenue

١٢. بِهِ الدَعوات المُستَجابات تَجتَنى
وَتَجبى لِتاج الدينِ فَهي خَراجه