
If your tormenting lover has shown

ان يكن صبك المتيم قد دل

1. If your tormenting lover has shown
Weakness after strength, then do not blame him

١. ان يَكُن صَبك المُتَيّم قَد دل
بَعد عز فَلا تَطع فيه عذل

2. O my beloved, look upon him with kindness
And observe his state, contemplate

٢. يا مُرادي وَاِنظُر بِلُطف اِلَيهِ
وَتُبصِر في حالِهِ وَتَأَمّل

3. And if he comes to you lacking manners
Then turn away his words completely and interpret

٣. وَاِذا ما أَتاكَ عفه سلوّ
فَاِصرِف القَول جُملة وَتَأَوّل

4. Do not believe in this talk of the unfaithful
For it is the way of the unfaithful to fabricate

٤. لا تُصدّق فيه مقال عذول
اِن شَأن العَذول أَن يَتَقَوّل

5. No, by your eyes, I do not compare you to the fickle
Even if with me you have been most just

٥. لا وَعَينَيكَ لا أَقيسُكَ بِالغُص
نِ وَاِن جرت أَنتَ عِندي أَعدل

6. How I conceal my jealousies regarding you, yet life
Is short and explaining my state is long

٦. كَم أُداري عَواذِلي فيكَ وَالعُم
رُ قَصير وَشَرح حالي مطوّل

7. O companion of the gazelle, your attention to me
Was good, so return to me what was between us at first

٧. يا أَخا الظَبي كانَ مِنكَ اِلتِفات
فَأَعِد لي ما كانَ لي مِنكَ أَوّل

8. God is enough for you, how you torture the young love
Who has no one to rely on but your beauty

٨. حَسبُكَ اللَهُ كَم تعذب صَبا
لَيسَ الا عَلى جَمالِكَ عَوّل

9. Whenever the heart hopes for goodness
Your glance destroys what was hoped for

٩. كُلَّما أَمّل الفُؤاد صَلاحا
أَفسَدتَ مُقلَتاكَ ما كانَ أَمّل

10. And when my body recovers from lovesickness for you
And your sick eye sees improvement

١٠. وَمَتى صَح في غَرامِكَ جِسمي
وَرَأى جِفنُكَ المَريضَ تعلل

11. Stop your amorous glances, for they are arrows
And close your eyes to them and take cover

١١. كفّ عنا اللِحاظ فهي سِهام
وَقف الجِفن دونَها وَتسبل

12. Wondrous is the rose of your cheek above the
Violet, it has revived the heart though it is withered

١٢. وَعَجيب من ورد خَدّيكَ فوق ال
قد أَذكى الفُؤاد وَهو مذبَل

13. Turn away or join, be just, for I am never
Turning, O branch, from you at all

١٣. صَدّا وَصل أَو جرا وَاِعدل فاني
عَنكَ يا غُصن قَط لا أَتَحَوّل

14. Shun me if you wish, O gazelle, but
God is enough for me if you shun me and excellent is

١٤. وَاِهجران شِئت يا غَزال وَلكِن
حَسبي اللَهُ اِن هَجَرت وَنِعم ال

15. Restrain yourself, O unfaithful one, for that is my desire
Whether you are generous or mean, or exalted or vile

١٥. وَاِقتَصِر يا عَذول فَهو مُرادي
جادَ أَو جارَ أَو تَطَوّل أَو مل