1. With my father I built a house and adorned it
Its adornment is beauty and light
١. بِابي شادنا تجدّر فَاِزدا
دَ تَجديره جَمالا وَنورا
2. It was not enough that it was perfect in beauty
The face was crowned with scattered pearls
٢. ما كَفاهُ أَن تم في الحُسن حَتّى
كلل الوجه لُؤلؤا مَنثورا
3. And I think the stars dotted it
When it shone with the stars' joy
٣. وَأَظُنّ البُدور قَد نَقَّطَته
عِندَما لاحَ بِالنُجومِ سرورا
4. A delicate body until you saw the brightness
His mouth above his cheeks lined
٤. رق جسما حَتّى رَأَيتَ لَآلي
ثُغره فَوقَ وُجنَتَيهِ سُطورا
5. Like a full moon you see on his cheeks
If you looked closely at his mole like camphor
٥. بدر تم ترى على وَجنَتَيه
ان تَأَمّلت خاله كافورا
6. It leaned towards me, a gentle branch
And the shining full moon appeared
٦. قدتنني فمال غُصنا رَطيبا
وَتبدّى فلاح بَدرا مُنيرا
7. With a forehead shining under a green turban
That adorned his sleepy eyelid
٧. بجبين يُضىء تَحت طَراز
أَخضر زان جِفنه المَكسورا
8. O gazelle of the cup we knew you
A companion whenever you knew aloofness
٨. يا غَزال الكَاس كُنا عَهدنا
ك أَنيسا مَتى عَرَفت النُفورا
9. Leave this flirtatiousness and have mercy on a meaning
That did not find in love a helper for you
٩. خَلّ هذا الدَلال وَاِرحَم مَعنى
لَم يجد في الهَوى عَلَيكَ نَصيرا
10. For you tears have become a habit
Seeking refuge but finding no shelter from you
١٠. فيك قَد صار مُطلَق الدَمع مضنى
مُستَهاما لَم يَلق مِنكَ مُجيرا