1. O you whose stride is balanced, my patience has run out
And my tears for my hidden love have become evident
١. يا مُعتَدِل القِدّان صَبري قدبان
وَالدَمع لِخافي الغَرام أَظهر اذبان
2. You renewed my sorrows though you lined my eyes
With wakefulness, so between me and sleep there is a great difference
٢. جَددت شُجوني وَقَد كحلت جُفوني
بِالسَهدِ فَبَيني وَبَينَ نَومي شتان
3. In breaking my vows you strove hard
Since my tears over your separation have become deceitful
٣. في نَقض عُهودي سَعيت سَعى مجدّ
مُذ أَصبَحَ دَمعي عَلى فُراقك غَدران
4. Your remoteness told me to be patient with you though I am not inclined
And I avoid being inclined towards you out of caprice
٤. بشراك قَلاني العذول فيكَ لاِنّي
ما مِلت وَحاشى أَميل فيكَ لِسلوان
5. O object of my goal and your due merit to me
Nothing has befallen my heart except your image, O human
٥. يا غايَة قَصدي وَحق قَدرك عندي
ما حَلّ بِقَلبي سِوى خَيالَكَ اِنسان
6. Be gentle with the sorrowful one you stabbed with your figure
All the branches have come to know his leaning
٦. رِفقا بِكَئيب طَعَنتَه بِقَوام
قَد علم كُلّ الغُصون مِنهُ الميلان
7. My tears obeyed me and the slanderers in you weakened
And I was led to love which is the greatest temptation
٧. طاوَعت دُموعي وَهُنّ فيكَ وُشاة
وَاِنقَدت اِلى الحُبّ وَهو أَعظَم فَتان
8. O object of my request, he who eulogized my leanness in love
Surely lamented, and the rock itself would have softened from me
٨. يا غايَة سُؤلي لَقد رَثى لنحولي
في الحُب عَذولي وَالصخر مني قَد لان
9. I burdened my heart with what was beyond its capacity
And intimacy and anguish for your love and passions
٩. حملت فُؤادي ما لَيسَ في طاقَته
وَجَدا وَولوعا عَلى هَواك وَأَشجان
10. O full moon, has not witnessing my sickness sufficed you
And my tearful one until I spent time in estrangement
١٠. يا بَدر أَما قَد كَفاكَ شاهِد سَقمى
وَالمَدمَع حَتّى قَضيت في بهجران
11. I am truly patient with love though it is bitter
No lover lived who complained of love or existed
١١. اِنّي بِك صَبّ عَلى الغَرامِ صَبور
لا عاشَ محب شَكا الغَرامَ وَلا كان