
My heart is enamored with memories of Egypt,

أعد ذكر مصران قلبي مولع

1. My heart is enamored with memories of Egypt,
Yearning for Egypt though my eyes see it not,

١. أَعد ذكر مصران قَلبي مولع
بمصر ومن لي أَن تَرى مقلَتي مِصرا

2. Repeat in my ear the tales of its prophet,
For its waves have returned questioning the Nile.

٢. وَكرّر عَلى سَمعي أَحاديث نيبها
فَقد رَدّت الاِمواج سائِلَة نَهرا

3. The land where generosity spread its wings,
And glory manifested its greatest sign,

٣. بِلاد بِها مَدّ السَماح جَناحَه
وَأَظهر فيها المَجد آيته الكُبرى

4. Speak slowly when you tell me of its meadows,
For lengthening the tales of love is another joy.

٤. رويدا اِذا حدّثتني عن رُبوعِها
فَتَطويل أَخبار الهَوى لذة أَخرى

5. When the sparrow chirps from the acacia branch,
I am reminded of glances and dark complexions.

٥. اِذا صاحَ شَحرور عَلى غُصن بانَة
تَذكرت فيها اللَحظ وَالصَعدة السمرا

6. Perhaps time will incline its course toward it,
And after despair, I will witness its mending.

٦. عَسى نَحوها يَلوى الزَمان مطيتي
وَأَشهد بعد الكسر من نيلها جَبرا

7. Indeed, whenever those abodes
Passed and left behind pining souls,

٧. لَقَد كانَ لي تلك المَعاهد كُلَّما
تقضت وَأَبقَت بعدَها أَنفسا حسرى

8. I yearn for those abodes whenever
A gentle breeze brings their memory.

٨. أَحنّ اِلى تِلك المَعاهد كُلَّما
يَجد دلي مرّ النَسيم بها ذكرا

9. By its peach trees dozing on its slopes,
And glances that have filled with magic,

٩. أَما وَالقدود المائِسات بسفحها
وَأَلحاظ غادات قَد اِمتَلأَت سحرا

10. By the posture of its swaying palm trees,
Risen and transcended being sold or bought.

١٠. وَما في زباها من قَوام مهفهَف
عَلا وَغَلا عَن أَن يُباع وَأَن يشرى

11. If that bliss meets me in its land,
And my eyes find rest with my loved ones,

١١. لَئِن عادَلي ذاكَ السرور بِأَرضِها
وَقَرّت بِمَن أَهواهُ مُقلَتي العبرا

12. I will embrace joy in its meadows,
And in the niche of its joys find gratitude.

١٢. لأعتنقِنَّ اللَهو في عرصاتِها
وَأَيجد في مِحراب لذاتها شُكرا

13. May God tend its pastures and enliven its gardens,
Pouring abundant rain and dew upon its folks.

١٣. رَعى اللَه مَرعاها وَحَيا رِياضَها
وَصب عَلى أَرحابِها الممزن وَالقطرا

14. In it are dwellings where the morning breeze is joyous youth,
Its meadows are melody and memories can be of use.

١٤. مَنازِل فيها ريح الصَبا لذة الصبا
بر وَضتها الغَنا وَقَد تَنفَع الذِكرى

15. The morning breeze reminds me of joyous youth
In its meadows of melody where memories can be of use.

١٥. يذكرني ريح الصَبا لذة الصبا
بِرَوضَتِها الغَنا وَقد تَنفَع الذِكرى

16. Yearning for its Nile I weep copious tears,
And desire the rose gardens of its banks.

١٦. عَلى نيلها شَوقا أَصَبّ مَدامعي
وَأَصبو اِلى غدران رَوضَتِها الغُرّا

17. The Nile adorned it in a yellow robe,
Then dressed it in a gown of flowers.

١٧. كَساها مديد النيل ثَوبا معصفَرا
وَأَلبَسَها من بَعده جلة زَهرا

18. The boughs of its gardens shook hands with it,
Extending palms and bestowing flowers upon it.

١٨. وَصافَح أَغصان الرِياض فَأَصبَحَت
تمدّ له كفا وَتَهدى له زَهرا

19. In the eyes of its groves it placed
A breeze that heals whoever it visits.

١٩. وَأَودَع في أَجفان منتزهاتِها
نَسيما اِذا وافاه ذو علة تبرا

20. If a country warns me against longing
For the Nile of Egypt, its warning tempts me.

٢٠. اِذا حذرتني بلدة عن تشوّق
اِلى نَيل مِصر كان تَحذيرها اغرا

21. When they speak of Euphrates and Tigris,
I find the Nile sweeter when they pass.

٢١. وَاِن حدّثوني عَن فرات وَدَجلَة
وَجَدت النيل أَحلى اِذا مَرّا

22. I will ignore talk of other lands and their people,
And quench my burning thirst with Nile water.

٢٢. سَأَعرض عن ذكر البِلاد وَأَهلها
وَأَروى بِماء النيل مهجَتي الحرّا

23. How often I glance toward the Gulf’s course
Upon which my tears flow along that channel.

٢٣. وَكَم لي اِلى مَجرى الخَليج التفاتة
يَسيل بِها دَمعي عَلى ذلِك المَجرى

24. Brooks coil like snakes, some over the others,
You see no belly and you see no back.

٢٤. جَداوِل كَالحيات يَلتَف بعضَها
وَلَستُ تَرى بَطنا وَلَست تَرى ظَهرا

25. And how often I said to my heart enamored with it,
“Be patient,” but the heart said, “I cannot be patient.”

٢٥. وَكَم قُلت لِلقَلبِ الوَلوع بذكرِها
تصبر فَقال القَلب لَم أَستَطِع صَبرا

26. By the innocent passion and the band
For whom the lovers established in their art excuses.

٢٦. أَما وَالهَوى العذريّ وَالعصبة الَّتي
أَقامَ لَها العُشّاق في فنهم عُذرا

27. If I am infatuated with Egypt, I have
No need except to meet its blossoms.

٢٧. لَئِن كنت مشغوفا بمصر فَلَيسَ لي
بِها حاجَة الاِلقاء بَني الزَهرا

28. The best of this world and its noblest people,
The most generous of hand and highest of worth.

٢٨. أَجَلّ بَني الدُنيا وَأَشرف أَهلها
وَأَنداهُم كفا وَأَعلاهم قَدرا

29. If, meeting them, the light of their faces,
You would see faces putting sun and moon to shame.

٢٩. هُم القَوم اِن قابَلت نور وُجوهِهِم
رَأَيت وُجوها تَخجَل الشمس وَالبدرا

30. If your ears heard the goodness of their deeds,
And you sought refuge with them, you would find reports true.

٣٠. وَاِن سَمِعت أُذناك حسن صَنيعِهِم
وَجِئت حماهم صدق الخبر الخَبَرا

31. They have faces lit with the glow of prophethood,
Graced by the gentleness that flowed through them, glory to Him who made it flow.

٣١. لَهُم أَوجه نور النُبُوّة زانَها
بِلُطف سَرى فيهِم فَسُبحان من أَسرى

32. They are the greatest blessing for the nation of their grandfather,
So what fortune for him who will have them as treasure tomorrow.

٣٢. هُم النِعمَة العُظمى لأمة جدّهم
فَيا فوز من كانوا له في غَد ذُخرا

33. When a band of Quraysh boasts,
Their grandfather the Chosen One suffices as pride.

٣٣. اِذا فاخر بهم عصبة قرشية
فجدّهم المُختار حسبُهُم فَخرا

34. They are kings in truth, none but them,
Though others have the name see them more deserving of it.

٣٤. مُلوك عَلى التَحقيق لَيسَ لِغَيرِهِم
سِوى الاِسم وَاِنظُرهم تجدهم به أَحرى