
Do not trust time, for time is treacherous

لا تأمن الدهر ان الدهر خوان

1. Do not trust time, for time is treacherous
It gives but the gifts of time are privation

١. لا تَأمن الدَهر اِنّ الدَهر خَوّان
يُعطى ولكِن عَطاء الدَهرِ حِرمان

2. Think not the eyes of time are sleeping
Time is awake while man is nodding

٢. وَلا تَخل أَن عين الدَهر نائِمَة
الدَهر يَقظان وَالاِنسان وَسنان

3. Reckon not that death is heedless of you
It has its sights on you, though you see it not

٣. لا تَحسِبَن المَنايا عَنكَ غافِلَة
لَها اِلَيكَ وَاِن لَم تَدر اِمعان

4. Weep not for an old man hidden in dust
In the earth are many of God's prophets and men

٤. لا تَبك شيخا توارى في التراب فَكم
في التُرب من أَنبِياء اللَه اِنسان

5. Where are the kings and their followers?
In glory or where are Jonah and lizard?

٥. أَينَ المُلوكِ وَأَينَ التابِعونَ لَهُم
في العِز أَم أَينَ يونان وَسوسان

6. Did death honor the noble for their nobility?
Or did a sultan escape it with wealth?

٦. هَل أَكرَم المَوت ذا عز لعزته
أَم هَل نَجا مِنهُ بِالاموالِ سُلطان

7. How many kings has the caprice of time cast down
Till they woke in the dust, settled there

٧. كَم مِن مُلوك رَماهُم رَيب دَهرِهِم
فَاِصبَحوا وَهُم في التُربِ سكان

8. They had a kingdom, glory, and grandeur
But after that glory, it was as if they never were

٨. كانوا بِملك وَمَجد شامِخ وَغَدوا
كَأَنَّهُم بَعد ذاكَ العز ما كانوا

9. And how many a mighty prince has had
No power over his body, after that grandeur

٩. وَكَم رَئيس عَزيز قَد تحكم في
جُثمانِه بَعد ذاكَ العِز ما كانوا

10. Death lays low every son of woman
Elders and youths are equal in its grasp

١٠. كُل اِبن أُنثى فان المَوت يَصرعَه
قَد اِستَوى فيهِ أَشياخ وَشُبّان

11. Those nights - if they are gentle, still
In their kindness to a man are sorrows

١١. تِلكَ اللَيالي اِذا ما أَحسَنت فَلَها
في ضِمن اِحسانِها لِلمَرء اِحزان

12. The deluded youth longs for their help
But their aid to a man is desertion

١٢. يَوَدّ مِنها الفَتى المَغرور نصرتها
وَاِنَّما نصرها لِلمَرء خِذلان

13. He thinks consorting with them is profit
Not knowing that profit is loss

١٣. يَظُنُّ متجرها رِبحا فَيَتبَعَها
وَما دَرى اِن ذاكَ الرِبح خَسران

14. Nothing stays forever in one state
Time and eras run their course

١٤. لَم يَبقَ شَيء بِحال واحِد أَبدا
جَرى عَلى ما تَرى دَهر وَأَزمان

15. The sun is eclipsed, the stars revolve
The moon must wax and wane

١٥. فَالشَمسُ تَكسِف وَالافلاك دائِرَة
وَالبَدر لابُدّ يَبدو فيهِ نُقصان

16. Time brings anguish, days travel on
Galloping with their rider, and life is an arena

١٦. وَالدَهرُ يَفجَع وَالاِيّام راحَلَة
تَعدو بِراكِبِها وَالعُمرُ ميدان

17. To God belongs the kingdom, rule is not shared
And God has no helpers in His judgements

١٧. وَالمُلكُ لِلَّهِ لَيسَ الاِمر مُشتَرِكا
وَلَيسَ لِلَّهِ في الاحكام أَعوان

18. Death is truth, though not every youth
Weeps for him when loss makes itself known

١٨. وَالمَوتُ حق وَلكِن لَيسَ كل فَتى
يَبكي عَلَيهِ اِذا يَعروه فُقدان

19. A man of widespread virtues does not die
Like one who has no merit or renown

١٩. وَلَيسَ مَوت اِمرىء شاعَت فَضائِلُه
كَمَوت مَن لا لَه فَضل وَعرفان

20. Sciences die with the death of those who know them
And their death is a sign of the ruin of the abode

٢٠. مَوت العُلوم بِمَوت العارِفين بِها
وَمَوتِهِم لِخَرابِ الدارِ عُنوان

21. Restrain the steeds a while, for after them
People are not people, and countries not countries

٢١. حادى المَطايا بِهِم مَهلا فَبُعدُهُم
لا الناسُ ناس وَلا البُلدان بُلدان

22. And you, O Time, do what you will, for indeed
The pillars of knowledge are demolished

٢٢. وَأَنتَ يا دَهرُ فَاِفعَل ما تَشاءُ فَقَد
تَهَدّمت من رُسومِ العِلمِ أَركان

23. Daily we see the people of virtue
Declining in number, and fools proliferating

٢٣. في كُل يَومٍ نَرى أَهل الفَضائِلِ في
نُقصان عَدّ وَلِلجهال رُجحان

24. He who was master of every science is dead
With his expansive knowledge, care, and perfection

٢٤. قَد ماتَ من كانَ في كُلّ العُلومِ لَهُ
باعَ طَويل وَتَحقيق وَاِتِّقان

25. The caliph, garden of virtue -
How many branches it yielded to students!

٢٥. بَحر العُلومِ الخَليفى رَوضَةُ الفَضلا
كَم أَثمَرَت مِنهُ لِلطلاب أَغصان

26. O you who seek its reach, do not overstep
The lame do not compete with racers

٢٦. يا مَن يَرومُ مَداهُ لا تَرم شَططا
لا يَستَوي بِجِياد الخَيل عُرجان

27. If I weep long for him or bewail him
That is the venting permitted to one of worth

٢٧. اِن طالَ نوحي عَلَيهِ أَو بكايَ لَهُ
فَتِلكَ نفثَة مَصدور لَه شان

28. My patience was resolute, driving me to attain it
While his tears upon it flowed unrestrained

٢٨. سامَ اِصطِباري فاعيا نيله فَغَدا
وَدَمعُهُ فيه هَدّار وَهَتّان

29. Give him good tidings and pardon one who memorializes him
For the caliph has departed to where all must go

٢٩. بشره بِالخَير وَاِعذر من يُؤَرّخه
فَلِلخَليفي لما آب أَفنان

30. O Lord, bestow on him mercy from You
For You, O Lord, are Forgiving and Merciful

٣٠. يا رَب أَنزِل عَلَيهِ مِنكَ مرحمة
فَاِنتَ يا رَب غَفّار وَرَحمن

31. And permit that prayers be offered for him
By whom You ennobled the tribes of Adnan and Qahtan

٣١. وَأَذن لِسَحب صَلاة لِلَّذي شرفت
بِهِ القَبائِل عَدنان وَقَحطان