1. The spirits yearn for you forever,
And for you is a morning in the heights and plains,
١. أَبَدا تَحِنّ اِلَيكُم الاِرواح
وَلَكُم غَدوّ في العُلا وَرَواح
2. O masters, were it not for them no dawn would have shone
Upon the horizons of virtues for the prosperous morning,
٢. يا سادَة لَولاهُم ما لاحَ في
أُفق المَكارِمِ لِلفَلاح صَباح
3. No merit except what I saw in your neighborhood,
And upon you is a lamp from its light,
٣. ما الفَضل اِلّا ما رَأَيت بِحيكم
وَعَلَيكُم مِن نورِهِ مِصباح
4. The Book spoke of your glory and your merit,
And authentic narrations came with that,
٤. نطق الكِتاب بِمُجدِكُم وَبِفَضلِكُم
وَأَتَت أَحاديثُ بِذاكَ صَحاح
5. And recurring news of your glory flowed,
With which names and mornings bloom,
٥. وَتَواتَرَت أَخبارُ مَجد عَنكُم
يَزهو بِها الاِمساء وَالاِصباح
6. O people whom the heights and lowlands have been honored,
With them in the heights and plains,
٦. يا أَيُّها القَومُ الَّذينَ تَشَرَّفَت
بِهِم بِقاع في العُلا وَبِطاح
7. Who can compete with you, while you are a Qurashi clan
And your renown fragrant?
٧. مَن ذا يُفاخِرُكُم وَأَنتُم عصبة
قرشية وَشَذاكُم فياح
8. The Sanctuary protects you, and your love
For those who seek and the pardoned is permitted,
٨. وَحَماكُم حرم النجاة وَحُبُّكُم
لِلقاصِدينَ وَلِلعُفاة مباح
9. All merits belong to you,
And by your hands the Opener opens,
٩. وَاِلَيكُم كُلُّ الفَضائِل تَنتَمي
وَعَلى يَدَيكم يُفتَح الفتاح
10. It suffices you, O People of Taha, pride
That the Most High has composed a poem for you,
١٠. يَكفيكُم يا آل طه مَفخَرا
أَن العُلا عقد لَكُم اِفصاح
11. God has privileged you with the noblest rank,
Inability to compose a robe for you,
١١. اللَهُ خَصَّكُم بِأَشرَفِ رُتبَة
العَجز عَن عقد لَكم وُشاح
12. I do not waver from loving you, though they
Conceal their love or chant it,
١٢. أَنا لا أَحول وَحَقكم عَن حبكُم
كَتم العَواذِل قَولُهُم أَو باحوا
13. And when people chant remembering you,
My tongue shouts praise,
١٣. وَاِذا تَرَنَّمَت الاِنام بِذِكرُكُم
فَلِسان شُكري بِالثَنا صِياح
14. For you have set up tents of joy
With which spirits and ghosts bloom,
١٤. لِما نَصَبتُم لِلسُّرورَ أَسِرَّة
تَزهو بِها الاِرواحِ وَالاِشباح
15. And held a wedding illuminated as if
The Age had born from it a shining star,
١٥. وَأَقَمتُم عِرسا يُضىء كَإِنَّما
أَلدَهر مِنهُ كَوكَب وَضاح
16. Dated it forever in your era,
The time of your father the prosperous, joys are renewed,
١٦. أَرّخته أَبدا بِعَهدِ جاكم
لاِبي الفَلاح تَجَدّد الاِفراح
17. Never blame the one who loves you for loving you,
He has no sin in it,
١٧. ما اِن يُلام محبكُم في حُبِّكُم
أَبَدا وَلَيسَ عَلَيه فيه جُناح
18. You remain the people of virtues and piety,
And with you are guidance and reform,
١٨. لا زِلتُم أَهلَ المَكارِمِ وَالتُقى
وَلَدَيكُم الاِرشاد وَالاِصلاح
19. You have been good and your side good, so no wonder
Praise is good and praisers are good!
١٩. طِبتُم وَطابَ جَنابكم فَلا جل ذا
طاب المَديح وَطابَت المَدّاح