1. If you are vexed, my friends, with love's unease
Then ask the place which my lovesick one did see,
١. اِن عجتما بِاللَوى يا صالحِبَيّ سَلا
عَن مَعهَد ما رَآه مُغرَم وَسلا
2. Or did you come at dawn to check on that fever,
Then greet in my name every hill and dune.
٢. أَو جِئتُما سحرا ذاكَ الحمى فقِفا
وَسلما لي عَلى رُبع غلا وَعلا
3. O friends, if ruins you happen to see
Then speak of my love for that old abode,
٣. يا صاحِبي وَان أَبصرتُما طللا
فَحدّثا بِغَرامي ذلِكَ الطَلَلا
4. And weep for a home whose laughing walls
Bent boughs once caressed with a gentle lean.
٤. وَاِستَبكِيا رَسم دار طالَما اَضحكَت
ثُغوره اِنثَنَت أَغصانَه ميلا
5. Who can heal my love-wrecked heart, traitor she,
My tears that flow each time I say, "Enough!"
٥. من لي وَمُهجَتي الحراء خائِنَتي
وَمدمَعي كُلَّما قُلت اِنكَفف هطلا
6. How much anguish I suffered with sweet consent,
How much passion my heart did embrace and accept.
٦. كَم لَوعَة أَتَلَقّاها بِحُسن رِضا
وَكَم غَرام دَعا قَلبي فَقَبِلت بَلى
7. How much blame my ears took though knowing not
What was said, but I could not make out the words.
٧. وَكَم عَذول تَلا كتب المَلام عَلى
سَمعي وَلكِنَّني لَم أَدرِ كَيفَ تَلا
8. So, may God protect the days when I gained
Loves so dear they were my most precious hope.
٨. فَيا رَعى اللَهُ أَيّاما ظَفَرتُ بِها
قَد بَلَغَتي من لِذّاتي الأَمَلا
9. As if fate in its malice allowed them by chance
Thoughtless, not realizing it was being stingy.
٩. كَأَنَّما سَمَحَ الدَهر الخؤن بِها
سَهوا وَلكِنَّهُ لما دَرى بَخلا
10. For all fate did give you, how much it gave:
Gifts, favors, in love pouring forth generously.
١٠. في ذِمَّة الدَهر اهداكَ الزَمانُ فَكم
اِهدى وَأَسدى وَأَعطى في الغَرامِ اِلى
11. Would that they had gauged the extent of my devotion
Or not made my heart exceed its appointed bounds,
١١. يا لَيتَهُم حَمَلوا اِحشاي طاقتها
أَو لَم يَزيدوا فُؤادي فَوق ما جَلا
12. Or had they but guarded a soul that craves their own,
Loved them, though they cared little for such affection.
١٢. أَو لورعوا نَفا لَم يَرع غَيرهم
أَحبهم وَأَضاعوا حبه هملا
13. You who blame me, do not go on. My heart is busy
With matters far from censure or rebuke.
١٣. يا عاذِلي لا تطل فَالقَلبُ في شُغل
من الصَبابَةِ عمن لامَ أَو عذلا
14. Stop this blame, for the rule of love has passed
Judgment, doing all it desires in its own law.
١٤. كَف المَلام فَسُلطان الغَرام قَضى
وَكل ما شاءَ في شَرعِ الهَوى فَعَلا
15. You know well since I was burdened with their love
I have no power to alter love's arrangements.
١٥. وَأَنتَ تَعلَمُ اني مُذ كلفت بِهِم
لا حَولَ لي في تَصاريفِ الغَرامِ وَلا
16. O my fellow in professing passion, stop,
For you know not after me what may come to pass.
١٦. وَيا رَفيقي في دَعوى الغَرامِ أَقِف
فَلَستُ تعلم بَعدي ما الذَّي حَصَلا
17. My lords, I am the youth, long suffering
The judgment of love, be it just or unfair.
١٧. يا سادَتي وَأَنا الصب الصَبور عَلى
حكم المَحَبَّةِ جار الحُبّ أَو عَدلا
18. Send your affection or, if you wish, do not,
For I will not, by God, move from loving you.
١٨. صَلوا وَدادي وَاِن شِئتُم فَلا تَصلوا
فَلَستُ عَن حُبِّكُم وَاللَه مُنتَقِلا
19. If I avert my eyes from you, they will turn back,
Looking to you, though you block my path.
١٩. اِن أَعرَض الطَرف عَنكُم كانَ مُلتَفِتا
اِلَيكُم وَضيقتموا في وَجهي السُبُلا
20. How escape when you have burdened me with caring for you
And blocked my every way from you?
٢٠. كَيفَ الخَلاصُ وَقَد أَوسَعتُموا كَلفى
بِكُم وَضَيَّقتُموا في وَجهي السُبُلا
21. I am the lover. If you allow me to meet
My heart finds cure. Do not replace it with banishment.
٢١. أَنا المُحِبُّ فَاِن لَم تَسمَحوا بِلُقا
يَشفى الفُؤاد فَلا تَستَبدِلوه قَلا
22. By right of the sincerity of my love for you,
And the good life I have long shared with you.
٢٢. وَحق صدق وُدادي في مَحَبَّتِكُم
وَطيب عَيش حلا دَهرا بِكُم وَخَلا
23. Were my eyes aware of the anguish to come,
My tears would not have flowed freely for you before.
٢٣. وَلَوعَة لَو وَعى طَرفي بِوادِرِها
ما سارَ مَدمَعَهُ في حُبِّكُم مَثَلا
24. If you would let my soul love, though after you
I want, my lords, no substitute.
٢٤. ما اِن سَمَحت بِروحي في الهَوى وَأَنا
أَريد بَعدَكُم يا سادَتي بَدَلا