1. Peace upon you, O father of eminent generosity
For you are peace for all the fearful
١. عَلَيك أَبا الغر الكِرام سَلام
فَأَنتَ لِكُل الخائِفين سَلام
2. Have you not seen them abstain from any purpose but you
As if they fasted from any provision but you
٢. أَلَم تَرهم عَن قَصد غَيرك أَمسَكوا
كَما أَنَّهُم عَن زاد غَيرك صاموا
3. You are their abundant rain when their rain is scarce
And you are their cloud when the clouds pour
٣. فَأَنتَ لَهُم غَيث إِذا شح غَيثهم
وَأَنتَ إِذا انجابَ الغَمام غَمام
4. You are their guide when their struggle intensifies
And without you they would wander in the valleys of loss
٤. وَأَنتَ لَهُم هاد إِذا جَدَ جدهم
وَلَولاك في وادي الضَلال لَهاموا
5. When they stay up at night fearing an intruder, you stand in his way
So they find refuge and sleep like a child
٥. إِذا سَهِروا مِن طارق قُمت دونه
فَلاذوا كَما لاذَ الصَبي وَناموا
6. Through you the sublime kingdom and its rule are organized
Without you, no system would be imposed on it
٦. بِكَ انتَظَم الملك الرَفيع وَحكمه
وَلَولاك لَم يَظهر عَلَيهِ نِظام
7. Your views illuminate the pure white of his speeches
Because you are light and calamities are darkness
٧. تنور مِن آرائك البيض خطبه
لِأَنك نور وَالخطوب ظَلام
8. And if a grave matter gets out of hand you subdue it
For you restrain any rampant issue
٨. وَإِن جمح الأَمر الخَطير رَدَدته
لأَنك لِلأَمر الجَموح لِجام
9. So every leader, you are the confidant of his secret
And for him, in events you are the leader
٩. فَكُل إِمام أَنتَ عَيبة سره
وَأَنتَ لَهُ في الحادِثات إِمام
10. The excellent ones raced ahead, winning every generosity
For you are ahead of all the outpacing
١٠. سَبَقت الأُلى فازوا بِكُل كَريمة
فَأَنتَ لِكُل السابِقين أَمام
11. You ascended, but who can compete with you in ascension?
And can the position of the full moon be envied?
١١. عَلَوت وَلَكن مَن يُداينك في العُلى
وَهَل منصب البَدر التَمام يُسام
12. The people of the land praised you and turned away from others
So if one strays, repeal what is blamed on him
١٢. عَلَيك الوَرى أَثنَت وَعَن غَيرك انثَنَت
فَإِن شذ فَرد ما عَلَيهِ ملام
13. Insightful but overtaken at times by blindness
Yearning, but afflicted at times by cold
١٣. بَصير وَلَكن تَعتريه غَشاوة
نشوق وَلَكن يَعتريه زُكام
14. What can the critic achieve, however intensely he tries,
To diminish the perfect full moons?
١٤. وَماذا عَسى الشاني وَإِن جَد جده
يشين بدور التم وَهيَ تَمام
15. Some people crowded to attain their status
But the declining sun and fading stars fell short
١٥. تَزاحم أَقوام لإِدراك شأوهم
فَقصر عَنهُ غارب وَسَنام
16. They knew the truth yet ignored it
And they saw the dawn sun then pretended to be blind
١٦. هُم عَلِموا حَقاً وَعَنهُ تَجاهَلوا
وَهُم أَبصَروا شَمس الضُحى وَتَعاموا
17. So their lightning among people has become an ember
And their cloud among worshipers is lost
١٧. فَبرقهم في الناس أَصبح خلباً
وَغَيمهم بَين العباد جهام
18. They adorned themselves with the jewelry of singing girls, so if
A screaming herald exposed them, they dropped the curtains and slept
١٨. تَحلوا بِحلي الغانيات فَإِن بَدا
لَهُم صارخ أَرخوا الستور وَناموا
19. And if dynasties lasted, they would be like others,
Subjects, but alas, they do not last
١٩. وَلَو دامَت الدَولات كانوا كَغَيرهم
رَعايا وَلَكن ما لَهُن دَوام
20. And how can glory elude him whose palm is
Food, while his honorable nature is a sword?
٢٠. وَكَيف يَفوت المَجد من كانَ كَفه
طَعاماً وَأَما عرفه فحسام
21. The breeze of his generosity blows from his palm
And from his resolve comes a hot wind for oath-breakers
٢١. يَهب نَسيم الجود مِن روح كَفه
وَمِن عَزمه للناكِثين حمام
22. When the black regiments advance and move forth
And darkness covers the white faces
٢٢. إِذا أَقبَلت سود الكَتائب وَانبرت
وَثار عَلى بيض الوجوه قتام
23. He embraces the parted with compassion
And refuses to embrace the whites, though they beckon
٢٣. يُعانق مَفتوق الغرارين مصلتاً
وَيَأبى عِناق البيض وَهوَ يرام
24. Your tenderness, O son of ash-dust, is for those who come
While for the army of oath-breakers you have arrows
٢٤. حَنانيك يا ابن الراثشين لِمَن أَتى
وَمَن هُم لِجَيش الناكثين سهام
25. Your father who adorned the house, Bugheer
And your uncle Kelhan, and your grandfather Saam
٢٥. أَبوك الَّذي قَد زين البيت حمير
وَعَمك كَهلان وَجدك سام
26. You trace your lineage to Tubba and descend from Hood
Upon them many prayers and peace
٢٦. إِلى تبع تعزى إِلى هود تَنتَمي
عَلَيهِ صَلاة جَمة وَسَلام
27. They are a precious coin for one needing provision from God
With it is no darkness overcoming gloom
٢٧. فَهُم تُحفة المُحتاج لِلّه درهم
وَمنها جَهم لا يعتريه ظَلام
28. When one glorious one among you passes away, another stands
Ahead of the decisive and protective swords
٢٨. إِذا غاب مِنكُم ماجد قامَ ماجد
أَمام حسام فاصل وَهمام
29. The world has agreed with you and smoothed itself
So as long as you are in it, it will not be constricted
٢٩. تَواطأت الدُنيا بِكُم وَتَمهدت
فَما دُمتُم فيها فَلَيسَ تُضام
30. Many a country whose people attempted to travel
But when they saw you, they stayed
٣٠. فَكَم بَلَد قَد حاوَل السَير أَهله
وَلَكنهم لَما رأوك أَقاموا
31. Neither would Basra the fragrant be a dwelling without you
Nor would the abode of peace be peaceful without you
٣١. فَلا البَصرة الفَيحاء لَولاك مَسكَناً
وَلَولاك ما دارَ السَلام سَلام
32. You came, so O best of creation, best arrival
With whom falsehood is exposed and justice is served
٣٢. قَدمت فَيا خَير الوَرى خَير مقدم
بِهِ الحيف يُجلى وَالكِتاب يُقام
33. You came, so welcome, hello, greetings
With an aura of glory no clouds overcast
٣٣. وَجئت فيا أَهلاً وَسَهلاً وَمَرحَباً
بِنير مجد ما عَلَيه غمام
34. Through you this land became a land
Through you this house became a home and this stay became a stay
٣٤. بِكَ الربع ربع وَالدنا مُستنيرة
بِكَ الدار دار وَالمقام مقام
35. For you is the sublime honor and the aspiration
Which time is slave to and eras are boy to
٣٥. لَكَ العزة الغَراء وَالهمة الَّتي
لَها الدَهر عَبد وَالزَمان غُلام
36. Zawraa will never lack you for ages upon ages
It is as though it floats in the sea of your generosity
٣٦. فَلا خَلَت الزوراء منكَ مَدى المدى
فَكَأنَّها في بَحر جودك عامرا
37. The moons of your glory do not cease rising
To the sphere of spheres, reaching perfect fullness
٣٧. وَلا بَرحت أَقمار مَجدك تَرتَقي
إِلى فلك الأَفلاك وَهِيَ تَمام
38. The birds of bliss do not stop circulating around you
Peace upon you, O father of eminent generosity
٣٨. وَلا زالَ طَير السَعد فيكَ مكرراً
عَلَيك أَبا الغُر الكِرام سَلام