1. The curly-locked one aimed me from the shrines and mosque
Since he darted me a glance, then turned away
١. صادَني ربرب الحِمى وَالمصلى
مُذ رَماني بِلَحظه وَتَولى
2. Wherever the glance fell, he unsheathed a sword
That annihilated souls and killed outright
٢. أَينما دارَ لَحظه سَل سَيفاً
قَد أَبادَ القُلوب أَسراً وَقَتلا
3. Would that he, since he came to my abode
Had been two bow-shots away when he drew near
٣. لَيتهُ كانَ مُذ أَتى لِدِياري
قابَ قَوسين إِذ دَنا فَتَدَلى
4. I swear by the moles on his cheek in the fire of his jaw
He in hellfire will surely burn
٤. حلف الخال مِنهُ في نار خَد
انَّهُ في سَعيره سَوفَ يصلى