1. With my fathers in faith who left shining traces
And upon insight the light of their wisdom arises
١. بِأَبي حَنيفة من زَكَت آثاره
وَعَلى البَصائر أَشرَقَت أَنواره
2. And with Malik, fortress of law and piety
Whose mysteries have been broadcast in the lands
٢. وَبِمالك حصن الشَريعة وَالتُقى
مَن قَد أذيعت في الوَرى أَسراره
3. And with this ocean of religion, gem of guidance
Pole of existence, its crown and dignity
٣. وَبحبر هَذا الدين جَوهرة الهُدى
قطب الوجود وَتاجه وَوَقاره
4. Al-Shafi'i the brilliant, who has risen
Above the Pleiades, eminent is his rank
٤. الأَلمعي الشافعي مَن ارتقى
فَوقَ الثُريا وَالسماك فَخاره
5. And with Ahmad the master, the noble one who became
Preserving hadith his motto and his cloak
٥. وَبِأَحمَد المَولى المكرم مَن غَدا
حفظ الحَديث شِعاره وَدثاره
6. Save your servant from Hellfire's blaze
And make his place to be in Gardens of bliss
٦. خلص عبيدك مِن جَحيم سعرت
وَاجعل بِجَنات النَعيم قَراره
7. And aid him in this world and the next and make
My master in the neighborhood of the Best of Messengers his homes
٧. وَأَعنه في الدارين وَاجعل سيدي
بِجوار خَير الأَنبياء دِياره