
Is it the dawn that shines or has the day emerged

أضوء بان أم طلع النهار

1. Is it the dawn that shines or has the day emerged,
And the full moon appeared, so the dust dispersed,

١. أَضوء بان أم طَلعَ النَهار
وَبَدر لاحَ فَانكَشَف الغُبار

2. And lightning from the west became
Illuminating or a dune in which there is fire.

٢. وَبَرق مِن جِهات الغَرب أَضحى
مُضيئاً أَم كثيب فيهِ نار

3. Yes, the suns of virtue rose in the morning,
So their rays enlightened the homes.

٣. نعم طلعت شُموس الفَضل صُبحاً
فَضاءَت مِن أَشعتها الدِّيار

4. And lights appeared from faces,
And the travelers walked happily with them.

٤. وَأَنوار تَبَدَّت مِن وجوه
وَأَنواء بِها الركبان ساروا

5. They kept away from us, so there is ember in the intestines,
And in the eyelids, abundant rivers.

٥. نأوا عَنا فَفي الأَحشاء جمر
وَفي الأَجفان أَنهار غزار

6. And we were called great men by them
So because of their long absence, we are small.

٦. وَكُنا عِندهُم ندعى كِباراً
فَنَحنُ لِطول غَيبتهم صغار

7. After them, we suffered distress and humiliation,
As well as frustration and confusion.

٧. عَلانا بَعدهم نصب وَذل
وانعطاف وَازورار

8. Can we forget their love while they have over us
Favors that cannot be resisted even by seas?

٨. أَنَنسى ودهم وَلَهُم عَلَينا
أَياد لا تقاومها البِحار

9. I have not forgotten the traveling ships when they departed
While the deserts were weakened by their weight.

٩. وَلَم أَنس الرَكائب حينَ سارَت
وَقَد ضعفت لِوَطأتِها القفار

10. And it pitched its tents in Salman
Its pillars are generosity and pride.

١٠. وَقَد ضربَت عَلى سَلمان بَيتاً
دَعائمه السَماحة وَالفَخار

11. A sea that is not troubled by gifts,
A dear one whose neighbor is not wronged in his presence.

١١. عباب لا تكدره العَطايا
عَزيز لا يُضام لَدَيهِ جار

12. Abundant in favor, generous, charitable,
And easy when the left hand is stingy.

١٢. غزير الفضل فياض جواد
وَيسر حينَ يفتقد اليسار

13. Long in glory and grace but
The hands of those who threaten him are short.

١٣. طويل المجد والأفضال لكن
أيادي من يناويه قصار

14. He brought him up from the children of Qahtan a torch
For them, light and fire.

١٤. نَماه من بَني قَحطان شوس
مَصاليت لَهُم نور وَنار

15. So ask the Hejaz and its inhabitants
How many of his gifts revolve among them.

١٥. فَسَل عَنهُ الحِجاز وَقاطِنيها
فَكَم فيهم عَطاياه تدار

16. Were it not for his satisfaction, I would not care
Indeed, their bellows have yielded and they have yielded.

١٦. فَلَولا راحتاه وَلا أُبالي
لَقَد بارت نَجائبهم وَباروا

17. So his horses continued to gallop lightly
To fade into the desert sands for them.

١٧. فَما زالَت قَلائصه خفافاً
تَخب وَفي القفار لَها غبار

18. Until they witnessed an enlightened grave
Surrounded by awe and dignity.

١٨. إِلى أَن شاهَدوا قَبراً مُنيراً
تحف بِهِ المَهابة وَالوَقار

19. The angels revolve around it secretly
Because the Hashimi is the axis.

١٩. تَدور هُنالك الأَملاك سراً
لأَن الهاشمي هُوَ المدار

20. A shrine that surpasses a throne and a throne
With the one whose mission surpassed sparks.

٢٠. ضَريح فاقَ كُرسياً وَعَرشاً
بِمَن فاقَت بِبعثته نِزار

21. So Salman stood up aloud near it
And composed his tears around it.

٢١. فَقامَ بِقُربه سَلمان جَهراً
وَنَظم دُموعه فيهِ نثار

22. He greeted, surrendered and lamented a longing
And devotion that cannot be relieved by patience.

٢٢. وَسَلم وَاستَكان وَبَث شَوقاً
وَوَجداً لا يخففه اِصطِبار

23. And he came to the companion of the cave, praising him
So what a defect and cave that companion has!

٢٣. وَجاءَ إِلى رَفيق الغار مثن
عَلَيه فَيا لَهُ خل وَغار

24. And he went to Abu Hafs and greeted
A shrine that is still visited among us.

٢٤. وَسارَ إِلى أَبي حَفص وَحَيا
ضَريحاً لَم يَزَل فينا يُزار

25. And when he had accomplished a goal and
A tranquility in which there was frustration appeared to him.

٢٥. وَلَما أَن قَضى وَطراً وَلاحَت
عَلَيهِ سَكينة فيها انكِسار

26. He came to the Sacred House and providence did not cease
To drive him when he crossed the sanctuary.

٢٦. أَتى البَيت الحَرام وَما توانت
بِهِ الأَقدار إِذ شَط المزار

27. He entered ihram, then circumambulated the corner
And spent the night uttering labbayk and wearing special garb.

٢٧. وَأَحرَم ثُم طافَ طَواف ركن
وَباتَ مُلَبياً وَلَهُ شِعار

28. He completed the two ritual acts of Hajj
Until he stoned the Jamarat and the embers flew.

٢٨. أَتَم مَناسك النسكين حَتّى
رَمى الجَمرات وَاِنطَفَت الجمار

29. His bestowal encompassed sanctuary and non-sanctuary,
They were surely confused, which is why they were perplexed.

٢٩. وَعَم نَواله حرماً وَحلاً
لَقَد حَيرتهم فَلِذاك حاروا

30. O welcome, our master, o easy welcome
He whose arrival made the homes smell sweet!

٣٠. فَيا أَهلاً بِسيدنا وَسَهلاً
وَمَن طابَت بِمقدمه الديار

31. May God reward you with goodness in the two abodes
Because after your father, you are the best.

٣١. جَزاكَ اللَهُ في الدارين خَيراً
لأَنك بَعدَ والدك الخَيار

32. You are our fortress against every enemy
And you will never let our breaker prevail.

٣٢. فَإِنَك حصننا مِن كُل عاد
وَأَنتَ لكسرنا أَبَداً جبار

33. So may our God’s grace cover you
That you may enjoy eternal cheer and pride!

٣٣. فَلطف الهنا يَغشاك حَتّى
تَدوم لَكَ المَسَرة وَالفَخار