
Peace adorned with longing, sorrow and charm

سلام كساه الشوق حزنا ورونقا

1. Peace adorned with longing, sorrow and charm,
Its breeze blew gently fragrant and serene.

١. سَلام كَساهُ الشَوق حُزناً وَرَونَقاً
وَرَوقه ريح الصَبا فَتَرَوقا

2. It wore beauty and so every hearing reveled,
Nay, every being enchanted and keen.

٢. تَحلى فَأَضحى كُل سَمع مُشنفاً
بِأَلفاظه بَل كُل شَخص مُقرطقا

3. It walks upon the page dark brown,
And recited upon those beauties radiant and sheen.

٣. يَسير عَلى وَجه الصَحيفة أَسمَراً
وَيُتلى عَلى تِلكَ المَحاسن مُشرِقا

4. Embroidered with sheets of praise,
Extended upon the garden of eulogy adorned and cleaned.

٤. وَماس بِأَوراق الثَناء مطرزاً
وَمادَ عَلى رَوض المَديح منمقا

5. The face of love gains more gentleness from it,
And the visage of every enemy turns blue and lean.

٥. وَيَزداد وَجه الحُب مِنهُ طلاوة
وَوَجه العَدو الخب يُصبح أَزرَقا

6. It is encircled in gatherings like a sealed chalice,
And paraded over all people, clad and preened.

٦. يُطاف بِهِ في الحان كَأساً مختماً
وَيُجلى عَلى الأَقوام ظَبياً ممنطقا

7. To the master whose sublime clouds I revived,
So the clouds of generosity and bounty dispersed wide and careen.

٧. إِلى سَيد أَحيت غَمائمه العُلى
فَأَضحى عباب البَذل وَالجود مفرقا

8. The traits of merit embroidered his traits,
Which was a garment ever ripped and torn I ween.

٨. وَخاطَت سمات الفَضل مِنهُ شَمائل
وَقَد كانَ ثَوباً لا يَزال مُمَزقا

9. He commanded a lofty abode with brilliance,
Its fence made with favours and a moat in between.

٩. وَسادَ مقاماً بِالبَراعة شامِخاً
وَسوره بِالمكرمات وَخندَقا

10. He climbed to the peak of all knowledge sprite-like,
And refused to carry superstitions and charms so routine.

١٠. تَرقى عَلى أَوج المَعارف أَمرداً
وَأضرب عَن حَمل التَمائم وَالرقى

11. By him the perilous fate became illuminated,
And by him the lightning of sublimity sparked and gleamed.

١١. بِهِ أَصبَح الدَهر الخَطير منوراً
وَمِنهُ غَدا برق العُلى مُتَأَلقا

12. The age refused but to kiss his palm,
And the full moon of darkness yearned for him it seems.

١٢. أَبى العَصر إِلا أَن يقبل كَفه
وَبَدر الدُجى إِلا لَهُ متشوقا

13. Thus is my master who remains forever guided,
And was created only for righteousness, so esteemed.

١٣. فَذلك مَولى لا يَزال مُسدداً
وَلَم يَك إِلا لِلرشاد موفقا

14. We learnt his noble manners old and new,
By which the neck of this fate became lashed and hemmed.

١٤. مَعال عَلمناها قَديماً وَحادِثاً
بِها جيد هَذا الدَهر أَضحى مُطَوقا

15. Inherited from ancestors, son of an ancestor,
And from youth who gained generosity and piety that teamed.

١٥. تورثها عَن ضيغم نَجل ضَيغم
وَعَن فتية حازوا السَخاوة وَالتُقى

16. By them the abode of peace shone and so became,
Boasting by them over Egypt, Homs and Aleppo undreamed.

١٦. بِهم أَشرَقَت دار السَلام فَأَصبَحَت
تُباهي بِهم مصراً وَحمصاً وَجلقا

17. Peace, peace, its aroma never ceasing,
Upon Ahmed of most gracious deeds pure and supreme!

١٧. سَلام سَلام لا يَزال عَبيقه
عَلى أَحمَد الأَفعال مسكاً مفتقا

18. My brother is Mousa of overflowing merit, from his stick were picked
Serpents of poetry from East and West it seems.

١٨. أَخي الفَضل موسى مِن عَصاه تلقفت
أَفاعي كماة الشعر غَرباً وَمَشرِقا

19. For him the sea split which pure rose water flowed
And its Pharaoh in ignorance became sunk and streamed.

١٩. لَهُ اِنفلق البَحر الَّذي طابَ وَرده
وَفرعونه في جَهله بات مغرقا

20. And peace flows like perfume to the master,
Upon the plains of merit and glory soft and creamed.

٢٠. وَيَسري سَلام كَالعَبير لسيد
عَلى صَهوات الفَضل وَالمَجد قَد رَقا

21. That is Abdullah the slave whom diversified glories,
Among all people in East and West gleamed.

٢١. فَذَلك عَبد اللَه مَولى تَنوعت
مَناقبه في الناس غَرباً وَمَشرِقا

22. Who from the intimate friend is sweet and affectionate,
And who has a heart aflame with parting and estrangement beseemed.

٢٢. من الرَجُل الخل الحَميم وَمن لَهُ
فُؤاد بِنار البُعد وَالهَجر أحرقا

23. Moved by ardent longing as if it saw,
A place to cling unto the train of the breeze it deemed.

٢٣. يُحركه الشَوق القَوي فَلَو رَأى
مَجالاً بِأَذيال النَسيم تَعَلقا

24. Until came from you all a herald letter,
Informing of your health and so all became adorned and teemed.

٢٤. إِلى أَن أَتى مِنكُم كِتاب مُبشر
بِصحتكُم وَالكَون أَصبَح مونقا

25. Then joy came unto us from every side,
And the announcer of bliss called out loud in the air it seemed.

٢٥. فَحَلت بِنا الأَفراح مِن كُل جانب
وَصاح خَطيب السَعد في الجَو مفلقا

26. The doves upon the branches of gardens chirped,
Calling unto doves in foliage greened.

٢٦. وَغَنت عَلى دَوح الحَدائق هتفت
تُنادي حماماً في الخَمائل أَورَقا

27. So I remain in pleasant living and bounty,
Overflowing upon all people, and for you is eternity.

٢٧. فَلا زلت في عَيش حميد وَنعمة
تَفيض عَلى كُل الوَرى وَلك البَقا

28. And the Merciful granted you every moment,
A peace adorned with longing, sorrow and charm serene.

٢٨. وَأَهدى لَكَ الرَحمَن في كُل ساعة
سَلاماً كَساه الشَوق حُسناً وَرَونَقا