1. My defects have been remedied and my states perfected
By my praise of the Master of masters
١. تَم نَقصي وَكملت حالاتي
بمديحي لِسَيد السادات
2. Lost is he who has strayed from the path of his passions
Upon him successive legions of dispersal fell
٢. تاه من ضل عَن سَبيل هواه
فَتَوالى عَلَيه جَيش الشَتات
3. The soul has repented all save Him and shed
The burden of past and recent sins
٣. تابَت النَفس عَن سِواه فَأَلقَت
ثقل الذَنب مِن قَديم وَآت
4. Blessed is the palm of one who prays upon him
He won and to God belong bounty and prayers
٤. تربت كف من يصلي عَلَيه
فازَ وَللّه بِالغِنى وَالصلات
5. Between us surfaced over every aspect
When the proofs of blessings quenched it
٥. تليت بَيننا عَلى كُل نَحو
إِذا رَوَتها دَلائل الخَيرات
6. The countries boast through him and rise
By his footsteps the feelings of the holy places
٦. تَتَباهى بِهِ البِلاد وَتَعلو
بِخطاه مَشاعر الميقات
7. Yearning for him the hilltops sway
And quicken the pace in the deserts
٧. تَتَهادى لَهُ النَجائب شَوقاً
وَتَحث المَسير في الفلوات
8. At times observing the domes and at others
Observing the light from the most honorable direction
٨. تارة تلحظ القباب وَأُخرى
تَلحظ النور من أعز الجهات
9. It leans to the guides, spur and they found
Then make us walk the high grounds
٩. تَنثَني للحداة حثوا وَجدوا
ثُم سيروا بِنا عَلى الهامات
10. The soul yearned for the beloved so drew
From my eyelids the day of goodbye my tears
١٠. تاقَت النَفس لِلحَبيب فَأَجرَت
مِن جُفوني يَوم النَوى عبراتي
11. It wandered lost in his praise and even if I’m
His slave in my life and after my death
١١. تهت في مدحه وَإِن كُنت عَبداً
في حَياتي لَهُ وبَعد مَماتي