
His existence and lineage were ennobled by his father

بأبيه ساد وجوده وأصوله

1. His existence and lineage were ennobled by his father
Ministers whose honor graced every platform

١. بِأَبيه ساد وَجوده وَأُصوله
وزراء شرف كُل شَخص مِنبَرا

2. So time became for our house
A refuge, and for enemies a red death

٢. فَغَدا الزَمان لِدارِنا
كَهفاً وَللأعداء مَوتاً أَحمَرا

3. The faithful friend lamented in his resolves
When Islam's ties were severed

٣. نَدب قَفا الصديق في عَزماته
لَما غَدا الإِسلام منحل العُرى

4. The tyrants' fire grew dark and met
A sea drawing oceans of armies

٤. قَد أَظلَمَت نار الطغاة فَصادفت
بَحراً يَجُر مِن العَساكر أَبحُرا

5. The warbler called to them, "Your words
O people of Pharaoh, are fabricated words!"

٥. ناداهم الصمصام إِن حديثكم
يا آل فرعون حَديث مُفتَرى

6. By God, your ropes and staffs
Will be foolishly swallowed by the lion of the hidden lair

٦. تَاللَه إِن حبالكم وَعصيكُم
سفها ستبلعها قَنا لَيث السرى

7. The protector protected and surrounded every protected one
With his beauty, still raised to the highest rank

٧. حفظ الذمار وَحاطَ كُل مَصونة
بِجَماله لا زالَ مَرفوع الذرى

8. You have not ceased, O son of knights' fathers, to wear
The garment of security and fortune among mankind

٨. لا زِلت يا ابن أَبي الفَوارس لابِساً
ثَوب السَلامة وَالسَعادة في الوَرى

9. The wind of acceptance did not abate, and sang
The lushness of praise for you, and it diffused ambergris

٩. ما هَينمت ريح القبول وَأَنشَدَت
غُر المَديح لَكُم فَفاحَت عَنبَرا

10. Were it not for consolation in the generous and the mention of them
I would have perished from my regret over what had occurred

١٠. لَولا التَأسي بِالكِرام وَذكرهم
لَقَضيت مِن أَسَفي عَلى ما قَد عَرا

11. By God, O you who traveled to their dunes
With his favorite horse spreading out in the land

١١. بِاللَه يا سار إِلى كُثبانهم
بمطهم يَغدو فَيَفتَرش البَرى

12. The sparks from his kindling shine
And you see it in the desert as a raging fire

١٢. وَيُضيء سَقط الزند مِن أَنضائه
فَتَراه في البَيداء ناراً مسعرا

13. He gallops and thunders like the clouds, imagine him
Bringing heavy rain from his two cheeks

١٣. يَعدو وَيرعد كَالسَحاب تخاله
يهدي مِن الشدقين غَيثاً مُمطِرا

14. If you intend to return the glance cast down
And see the pottery miraculous and gushing

١٤. إِن رمت أَن ترد النَوال مروقاً
وَتَرى الفَخار معجزاً وَمصدرا

15. Mount up to the verdant land and descend deciding
To partake of its bounty and gain a green livelihood

١٥. عرج عَلى الخَضراء وَانزل عامِداً
بِكرامِها لِتَنال عَيشاً أَخضَرا

16. And if you want the villages of the generous then stand at
The house of Ibn Fakhr, for it is the most generous in the land

١٦. وَإِذا أَرَدت قرى الكِرام فَقف عَلى
دار ابن فَخر فَهي أَكرَم من بَرى

17. He who gives life to the destitute at his door
Even if they have tasted red death

١٧. ذاكَ الَّذي يَحيا العفاة بِبابه
حالاً وَإِن ذاقوا المَمات الأَحمَرا

18. They stand at the edge of his meadows as though
His courtyards for generosity have become a resurrection ground

١٨. يَقفون عِندَ رُبوعه فَكَأَنَّما
أَبياته للجود أَضحَت محشرا

19. He shelters them in his affection, inclining toward them
And from his stream pours copious water like Kawthar

١٩. فَيظلهم بحنوه متعطفاً
وَيَسيل مِن جَدواه ماء كَوثَرا

20. Since the tyrants' fire darkened over them
It has become for it cold, and in the morning a river

٢٠. مُذ أَظلَمَت نار الطُغاة عَلَيهم
أَمسى لَها بَرداً وَأَصبَح نيرا

21. Were it not for him, heads would have left their places
And their swords would have watered the lowlands red

٢١. لَولاه فارقت الرُؤوس محلها
وَرَوَت صَوارمهم نَجيعاً أَحمَرا

22. He continues to extinguish their fire with his flesh
And repels the foolish and lifts up the forbidden

٢٢. ما زالَ يُطفي ناره بحلومه
وَيَرد ذا سفه وَيَرفع مُنكَرا

23. And protects honors, and were it not for him
They would be unveiled and their glass broken

٢٣. وَيَصون أَعراضاً وَلَولا
كَشفت وَصارَ زُجاجها مُتَكسِرا

24. And he narrated about his pure forefather al-Hasan who
Stopped the bloodshed

٢٤. وَحَكى أَباه الطاهر الحَسَن الَّذي
حقن الدِماء