
Spring has come, so welcome its branches

نزل الربيع فمرحبا بغصونه

1. Spring has come, so welcome its branches,
The fragrance of its narcissus and the blinking of its eyes.

١. نزل الرَبيع فَمَرحَباً بِغُصونه
وَبِعطر نَرجسه وَغَض جُفونه

2. With its roses blossoming on its boughs,
And its tempting light in its colors.

٢. وَبِوَرده الزاهي عَلى أَغصانه
وَبِنوره الفَتان في تَلوينه

3. With its soft, elegant meadows and sweet,
Pure water, flowing calmly.

٣. وَبِرَوضه الغَض الأَنيق وَمائه
العَذب الرَحيق وَجَريه وَسُكونه

4. With its excited army if the morning breeze blows,
And its kindness hidden in its refuge.

٤. وَبِجَيشه المُهتز إن سرت الصبا
وَبِلُطفه المَخبوء في مَكنونه

5. When the bulbuls of its meadows sing joyfully,
The doves submerge in its gaze and eyes.

٥. فَصل إِذا صَدحت بَلابل رَوضه
غمر الحمام بِلَحظه وَعُيونه

6. When the moonlit one trills melodiously,
The plains shout with its voice and tune.

٦. وَإِذا بِهِ القمري صاح مُغَرداً
فَضح اليَراع بِصَوته وَرَنينه

7. When the branches swing to and fro,
The hearts lean towards its sorrow and passions.

٧. وَإِذا تَمايلَت الغُصون بدلها
مال الكَئيب بِحزنه وَشُجونه

8. Its blossoms have bloomed and its fragrance wafts,
Melting the hearts with its birds and yearning.

٨. نَشَرت نَوافجه وَفاحَ عَبيره
وَشَجى القُلوب بِطَيره وَحَنينه

9. Its roses have crowned themselves and intertwined,
Adorning themselves with its water and springs.

٩. وَتَكَللَت أَوراده وَتَضَلعت
وراده مِن مائه وَعُيونه

10. Its twigs have bent and its gazelles frolicked,
Fattening themselves on its plants and herbs.

١٠. وَترنحَت قُضبانه وَتَلفتت
غُزلانه في غثه وَسَمينه

11. Spring has come and with it our Eid,
We have seen good fortune in its contents.

١١. جاءَ الرَبيع وَجاءَنا في فَصله
عيد رَأَينا السَعد في مَضمونه

12. They have both come to bring us joy,
And have only come to swear allegiance.

١٢. جاءا لأسعد بِالهَنا وَكلاهما
لَم يَأتيا إِلا للثم يَمينه

13. He of noble lineage, with the radiant face
The light of perfection shines on his forehead,

١٣. ذي الغرة الفَراء وَالوَجه الَّذي
نور الكَمال يَلوح فَوقَ جَبينه

14. Of high station, and great status,
The full moon even if it rose above him,

١٤. وَالرُتبة الشَماء وَالقدر الَّذي
بَدر السَماء وَإِن علا مِن دونه

15. The unique master, perplexing
The minds of this universe in its creation,

١٥. وَالسَيد الفَرد الَّذي قَد حيرت
ألباب هَذا الكَون في تَكوينه

16. The scholar of all knowledge, who has perfected
The highest ranks with his sciences and arts,

١٦. وَالعالم العلم الَّذي قَد تممت
رتب العلى بِعلومه وَفنونه

17. An eloquent spokesman, who has become
The magic of rhetoric in its elaboration,

١٧. وَالمصقع اللسن المفوه مَن غَدا
سحر البيان الصرف في تَبيينه

18. The administrator of wise governance,
Enlightening the eminent with his certainty,

١٨. وَمدبر الحكم العَزيز بِرَأيه
ومنوِّر الجلى بِنور يَقينه

19. Who regulates ideas in his cultivation,
And organizes sights in his refinement.

١٩. وَمصرف الأَفكار في تَهذيبه
وَمرتب الأنظار في تَحسينه

20. He is the pillar of the state and son of its pillar,
Its system has thrived in its adornment,

٢٠. هَذا عَميد الملك وَابن عَميده
وَنِظامه قَد جَد في تَزيينه

21. The agreeable companion and son of the agreeable
Companion and son of his servants and peers.

٢١. وَالصاحب المرضي وَابن الصاحب ال
مَرضي وَابن خدينه وَقَرينه

22. With a ambition that aspires to the unknown,
Conquering hearts with his dignity and glory,

٢٢. ذو فكرة تَرنو الغُيوب بِهمة
تَطأ القُلوب بِعرفه وَعزينه

23. And a courage that defies archers
Sending the squadrons under its burrows,

٢٣. وَشَجاعة تَعنو الكماة لِبَأسها
وَتروغ الضرغام تَحتَ عَرينه

24. And a prowess sharper than a sword
That cleaves bones when grasped in his right hand.

٢٤. وَيَراعة أَمضى مِن العَضب الَّذي
يبري العِظام إِذا ثَوى بِيَمينه

25. My master, none compares to your grandfather,
I swear by him, his law, and his religion,

٢٥. يا سَيداً ما مثل جدك سَيد
قسماً بِهِ وَبِشرعه وَبدينه

26. O son of Fatima the chaste, and Haydar,
Son-in-law of the Messenger, his confidante and trustee,

٢٦. يا نَجل فاطمة البتول وَحَيدر
صهر الرَسول وَخله وَأَمينه

27. O holder of the glorious lineage,
That has lasted long over eras and generations,

٢٧. يا صاحب الشَرف الَّذي شرفاته
طالَت عَلى أم السُهى وَقُرونه

28. O son of the generous heroes, who have given
Light to the eyes of this world with their being,

٢٨. يا ابن الغَطارفة الكِرام وَفتية
جَعَلوا لِهَذا الدَهر ضوء عُيونه

29. The great Eid has come to visit you,
Rushing to you blinking its eyes,

٢٩. قَد زارَك العيد الكَبير وَقَد أَتى
يَسعى إِلَيك عَلى قِباب جُفونه

30. It has come to kiss your overflowing palm,
The sea is but a sip of its generosity,

٣٠. وَأَتى يقبل مِنك كَفاً هامراً
ما البَحر إِلا شربة مِن نونه

31. Your palm did not realize it is an ocean of giving,
Due to the foolishness of its mind and madness,

٣١. لَم يَدر كَفك بَحر جود فائض
ذا من سَخافة عَقله وَجنونه

32. So extend to it with your sleeve, not your palm,
I fear its trickling overflow would tire it,

٣٢. فَامدد بِكمك لا بِكفك نَحوه
أَنى أَخاف عَلَيه فيض هتونه

33. And don the garment of the kingdom and sacrifice
An envious enemy, attacking you with its rage and sorrow,

٣٣. وَالبس رِداء الملك وَانحر حاسِداً
يَسعى إِلَيك بغيظه وَشُجونه

34. Lead the prayer declaring God's greatness,
Exalted is He in His creation,

٣٤. أَقم الصَلاة مكبراً فيها وَقُل
اللَه أَكبر جل في تَكوينه

35. And congratulate on the happy days,
For they have come in a perfect timing,

٣٥. وَاهنَأ بِأَيام السُرور فَإنها
جاءَت عَلى قَدر الكَمال وَحينه

36. And submit forever to the betrayals of fate,
From its constant tricks and changes,

٣٦. وَاسلم مِن الدَهر الخوؤن مدى المدى
مِن مَكره أَبَداً وَمِن تَلوينه

37. Connect joys with joys and congratulations with their like,
And expect only good thoughts from it,

٣٧. وَصل السَعادة بالسَعادة وَالهَنا
بِنظيره وَابشر بِحُسن ظُنونه

38. Fulfill the rights and obligations due to our celebration,
Then when finished, rise to what you habit,

٣٨. وَاقض الحُقوق الواجِبات لعيدنا
فَإِذا فَرَغت فَقُم إِلى مسنونه

39. No longer is there an Eid of joy, no longer
Does the spring come rustling with its branches.

٣٩. ما عاد عيد بِالسُرور وَما أَتى
زَمَن الرَبيع مُرفرفاً بِغُصونه