
With your arrival, time became excellent and surpassed

بقدومكم راق الزمان وفاقا

1. With your arrival, time became excellent and surpassed
It became healthy and whoever was sleeping, awoke

١. بِقدومكم راقَ الزَمان وَفاقا
وَصَحا وَمن سنة المَنام أَفاقا

2. You visited so the countries shone with your light
And with their full moons they increased more radiance

٢. زُرتُم فَاشرَقت البِلاد بِنوركم
وَبدورها زادَت بِكُم إِشراقا

3. You filled all existence with happiness
It was pleasant, so you were to the hearts a pleasure

٣. وَمَلأتُم كُل الوُجود مَسَرة
طابَت فَكُنتُم لِلقُلوب نشاقا

4. O young men, God spread over them
From His kindness, the cloak of perfect generosity

٤. يا فتية نَشر الإِله عَلَيهم
مِن لُطفه سَجف الكَمال رواقا

5. Your palms flowed upon all people generously
So its water became pouring in the morning

٥. سالَت عَلى كُل العباد أَكفكم
كَرَماً فَأَصبَح ماؤُها مهراقا

6. And you owned the softness of necks because they
Were encircled by your generosity with collars

٦. وَمَلكتُم رق الرِقاب لأَنَّها
قَد طَوقَت مِن جودكم أَطواقا

7. And you outlined the pages of hearts with your blessing
So you filled the sketches of its pages

٧. وَرَسمتُم صُحف القُلوب ببركم
فَمَلأتُم مِن رَسمِها الأَوراقا

8. O My Master who wrote the dew
In His palm that cannot be attained or matched

٨. يا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي كتب النَدى
في كَفه أَن لا يُطاق لِحاقا

9. The young men surpassed You in virtues
Your right hand exhausted competing with them

٩. قَد سابقتك عَلى الفَضايل فتية
أَعيتهُم يمنى يَديك سِباقا

10. So they took on generosity insolently
While You spent upon their hands dowries

١٠. فَهُم تَسموا بِالسَخاء تَطفلاً
وَبَذَلت أَنتَ عَلى يَديه صداقا

11. They sought to surpass You in beauty and opposed
Who can endure what You aspire to match?

١١. راموا وَفاقك في الجَميل وَخالَفوا
مَن ذا يُطيق لِما تَروم وِفاقا

12. So if You came and they came with a merit
You would defeat all with what You did to match

١٢. فَإِذا أَتيت وَهُم أَتوا بِفَضيلة
فقت الجَميع بِما فَعَلت وِفاقا

13. Thus You became Abdullah an honorable master
While their masters became underlings before You

١٣. فَغَدوت عَبد اللَه قرماً سَيداً
وَقُرومهم أَضحَت لَدَيك حقاقا

14. They prided themselves on guests upon You, corresponding
Like unleashed camels traveling in succession

١٤. فَزعوا بِأَضياف عَلَيك تَراسلَت
مثل الغَوادي المُرسلات دفاقا

15. You did not know, O Lord of Perfection, their number
Rather, they narrowed the spacious country so it confined

١٥. لَم تَدرِ يا رَب الكَمال عدادهم
بَل ضَيقوا البلد الرَحيب فَضاقا

16. You fed them what they craved so they became
Never leaving even if You left early

١٦. أَطعمتهم ما يَشتهون فَأَصبَحوا
لا يَبرَحون وَلَو بَرحت فواقا

17. You made them love the banquets, none of them
Other than You has tasted the taster of it

١٧. أَلفتهم بِموائد ما مِنهم
مَن ذاقَ مِنها مِن سِواك ذواقا

18. So they settled in the house of hospitality residing
Who can endure what You offered separation?

١٨. فَتَوَطنوا دار الضِيافة مَسكَناً
من ذا يُطيق لما بَسطت فراقا

19. And favors I cannot enumerate some of them
Nor can other than me endure that

١٩. وَمَكارم لا أَستَطيع لِبعضها
حَصراً وَما غَيري لِذاك أطاقا

20. And recognitions that gave your heart loftiness
For that you became a glorious standard

٢٠. وَمَعارف حيزت لصدرك رفعة
فَلِذاك أَضحى نيراً بَراقا

21. So You appointed the pure Law as Ruler
And removed injustice in the land and discord

٢١. فَنصبت للشرع المطهر حاكِماً
وَأَزلت ظُلماً في الوَرى وَشقاقا

22. And You were called the Wise Scholar and the Lord Of
Absolute generosity, I do not say hypocritically

٢٢. وَدعيت بِالحبر الحَكيم وَصاحب ال
جود العَميم وَلا أَقول نفاقا

23. You became in Dar as-Salam a Muslim
And for it you became brother of the Most High, truly

٢٣. أَصبَحت في دار السَلام مُسلماً
وَلها غَدَوت أَخا العُلى مِصداقا

24. We have been honored by your arrival and through you
It becomes splendid and stretches its necks to you

٢٤. فَتشرفت بقدومكم وَغَدَت بِكُم
تَزهو وَمَدت نَحوكم أَعناقا

25. So stay with goodness and the friend with blessing
And fill the faces of those smiling with juice

٢٥. فَأَقم بِخَير وَالصَديق بِنعمة
وَاملأ وُجوه الكاشحين بصاقا

26. And listen to the system of my cheap prose I presented to you
It did not suggest other than your approval as its dowry

٢٦. واسمع نِظام خريدة زفت لَكُم
لَم تَقترح إلا رضاك صداقا

27. And good tidings of lengthy safety so you
With your arrival, time surpassed and became pleasant

٢٧. وَابشر بِطول سَلامة فلأنتم
بِقدومكم فاقَ الزَمان وَرَاقا