1. My friends, is there any way to meet again?
For yearning has wearied me and distance has ravaged me
١. أهيل النَقا هَل مِن سَبيل إِلى اللقا
فَقَد شَفني طُول النَوى وَبَراني
2. And whenever I remember you
my burning heart flares up and torments me
٢. وَلي كَبد حَرى إِذا ما ذكرتكم
تَأَجج فيها جَمرها فَكَواني
3. Never for a day have I forgotten our enduring covenant in ‘Aqiq
and longing for union called me to seek you out
٣. وَلَم أَنسَ يَوماً بِالعَقيق عُهودكم
وَداعي التَداني لِلوُصول دَعاني
4. I call on you while the cooing doves coo in my branches
and my reproacher above the firmaments watches over me
٤. أنادمكم وَالكاشِحون عَلى غُصني
وَعاذلتي فَوق السَماوات تَراني
5. May God water the days when, with blood-stained palm,
I sated desires decked out in robes
٥. سَقى اللَه أَياماً سقيت بِها المُنى
بِكَف خَضيب زينت بِبنان
6. I have no abode since the hand of fate has cast me
with seven or eight casts of glowing embers
٦. وَلَست بِدار إِذ رَمَتني يَد النَوى
بِسبع رمين الجَمر أَم بِثَمان
7. And after the beloved and his nearness I have become
as if I were the Pleiades while the beloved were Yemen
٧. وَقَد صرت مِن بعد الحَبيب وَقُربه
كَأَني الثُريا وَالحَبيب يَماني
8. Never for a day have I forgotten him, though long his absence
So say to him, for God’s sake, “Why have you forgotten me?”
٨. وَلَم أَنسه يَوماً وَإِن طالَ بعده
فَقولوا لهُ بِاللَه كَيفَ نَساني
9. Greetings to the Trustworthy Patron and his son
for yearning for them has lodged arrows in my ribs
٩. سَلام عَلى المَولى الأَمين وَولده
فَشوقهم بَينَ الضُلوع رَماني