
The breeze of dawn bent her slender shape, so she swayed gently,

ثنى قدها ريح الصبا فتأودا

1. The breeze of dawn bent her slender shape, so she swayed gently,
And birds of passion sang of her, warbling sweet melodies.

١. ثَنى قَدها ريح الصبا فَتأَودا
وَغَنى بِها طَير الغَرام وَغَردا

2. The vigor of youth stirred her being and made her tremble,
So she shook her spear at us and flung arrows swift as lightning.

٢. وَحَركها ريع الشَباب وَهاجَها
فَهَزَّت لَنا رُمحاً وَسَلت مهندا

3. With eyes like antelope she gazed at us coyly from afar,
Her glances, drunk with passion, tempting hearts to love's surrender.

٣. نفور رَنَت بِالرقمتين مَطارفا
مِن الوَجد حاكتها النَواظر سهدا

4. She swayed a fragrant branch, evading its insistent clasp,
Like a sand dune slipping down, confused, though standing firm.

٤. فَرد بِها غُصن رَطيب وَعاقها
كَثيب فَماجَت حيرة وَتَجلدا

5. By my father! How those glances shot their shafts - till dawn
Left the youths' eyes bloodshot, and desire made them sleepless!

٥. أَلا بِأَبي تِلكَ النَواظر كَم رَمَت
فَباتَ بِها طَرف الصَبابة أَرمَدا

6. Eyes too narrow to grant us a quarter of their glance.
Not miserly were they, just honoring duty's covenant.

٦. نَواظر ضاقَت أَن تَرانا بربعها
وَما ذاكَ إِلا كانَ مَنعاً مُجَردا

7. And lips sweet as ripened dates - how we miss sipping their nectar!
Many's the morning they quenched the thirst of my longing heart.

٧. وَمرشف شَهد قَد فَقَدنا رضابه
وَيا طالما أَضحى لِقَلبي مَوردا

8. Pearl teeth flashed beneath her lips, ruby-red as though tattooed,
Gleaming within that garden where roses bloomed at dawn,

٨. حوى عقد در لاح مِن تَحت خاتم
عَقيقته بالوشم صارت زبرجدا

9. Roses we'd pluck, though longing ever made the roses new,
Like water sparkling in crystal that refreshed the soul at dawn.

٩. وَروض مُحياكم قَطَفنا وروده
صَباحاً فَصارَ الشَوق فيهِ مجددا

10. May God let our days be spent fulfilling sacred duties,
As the Companions did, both alone and congregation.

١٠. صَفيحة بَلور سَقاها بِمائه
نمير الحَيا حسنا فَعادَ موردا

11. The Qur'an shone with verses that illuminated dawn,
Till overwhelmed, we bowed down prostrate, given to devotion.

١١. سَقى اللَه عَصراً قَد أَقمنا فُروضه
عَلى سنَن الأَصحاب جَمعاً وَمُفرَدا

12. Nights with you shone with stars of union, guiding every limb.
A weeping damsel spilled pearls over carnelian flame dispersed.

١٢. وَقُرآن حسن قَد بَدت فيهِ آية
تَضيءُ فَأَصبَحنا مِن الوَجد سُجدا

13. She saw me ready to set out, resolved, with sword upheld.
Asked me, "Where are you bound? We're helpless without you here.

١٣. لَيالي سعود قَد بَدَت في خلالها
نُجوم وَصال كل عُضو بِها اِهتَدى

14. Hearts we've turned to you - how can their beloved disappear,
Leaving them neglected, spurned?" I said, "Let me be,

١٤. وَقائِلَة قَد أَسبَلَت در دَمعِها
عَلى شعل الياقوت نَثراً مُبَددا

15. For I will follow the noble deeds told in tradition."
Thirsting for valiant company, for only in the desert heat

١٥. رَأَتني وَقَد جَردت للسَير هِمة
حَكَت في مضاء العَزم سَيفاً مهندا

16. And pathless track are cool sweet waters sipped with joy.
I will seek a sea whose adventurous all find their thirst increased

١٦. إِلى أَين تَبغي السَير عَنا وَإِننا
غَرائر لا نَقوى عَلى البُعد وَالرَدى

17. Till in noble generosity it surges, foam-crested waves.
I will stay in a house where circling it delights,

١٧. قُلوب عَطفناها عَلَيك أَينبغي
لِمَعطوفِها يَنآى وَتَتركها سُدى

18. And the courtyard's pebbles, if they could speak, would tell fine tales.
A place where rights are given to rightful claimants,

١٨. وَأَخبار وَصل فيكَ كانَ ابتِداؤُها
أَتعقل أَخبار وَما ثم مبتدا

19. Where the noble of rank are the elite, both old and young.
When asked, "Who will grant you your rightful due?" I said: "My father Ahmad -

١٩. فَقُلت دَعيني وَالقِياس فَإِنَّني
سَأَتلو أَحاديث الأَماجد مسنَدا

20. Through the Abbas he resembles Full Moon Muhammad."
The radiance of the stars is dimmed by his brilliance.

٢٠. ظَمئت إِلى لُقيا الكِرام وَإِنَّما
يَطيب ورود الماء في الحر وَالصدى

21. Truly, he rivals sun and moon and the planets!
They are the noblest of Arabs, honored above all

٢١. سَأَقصد بَحراً كُلما بانَ قاصد
لَهُ هاجَ بِالفَضل الجَزيل وَأزبدا

22. By the Best of Creation, the Seal of Prophets.
Raiment of the Caliphate they donned, so elegant,

٢٢. وَأنزل بَيتاً كُلما طُفت حَوله
تَسنمت مِن ظهر الفَراقد مقعَدا

23. The Fountain of Al-Sakaya has been their drinking place.
Through Ahmad's son their glory has long shone bright.

٢٣. محلاً بِهِ توفى الحُقوق لأَهلِها
وَيَمتاز أَهل الفَضل شَيخاً وَأمرَدا

24. Through him they gained lofty honor and matchless repute.
What are Anas and his son but a ray that flashed from their light?

٢٤. فَقالَت وَمَن يُعطيك حَقك كُله
وَيوليك عزاً قُلت وَالد أَحمَدا

25. By his father, in all merit he takes his lead.
Open-handed, his many gifts put the rain to shame,

٢٥. كَريم إِلى العَباس تنمى فُروعه
فَيلقى بِها بَدر التَمام محمدا

26. Bringing life to the meadows of bounty once dead.
Habits of kindness - for habits come naturally to all.

٢٦. نجار عَنت زَهر النُجوم لضوئه
نَعم وَحَكى شَمساً وَبَدراً وَفرقدا

27. Each takes from fate whatever is destined to accrue.
He built a mansion of glory on foundations firm,

٢٧. هُم العرب الغُر الَّذين تَشَرفوا
بِخَير الوَرى أَزكى النَبيين محتدا

28. So for him it stands secure, buttressed, tall.
When confused minds transgress, he is an unwavering guide,

٢٨. لَقَد لَبِسوا ثَوب الخِلافة ضافياً
وَكانَ لَهُم ماء السقاية مَورِدا

29. Matchless in sound judgment, holding firmly to what is right.
The light of his intellect dispels the darkness of doubts,

٢٩. بعم رَسول اللَه طالَ فَخارهُم
وَنالوا بِهِ مَجداً رَفيعاً وَسُؤددا

30. Raising the lowly up and putting the proud in their place.
He raced to be generous till we knew him as open-handed,

٣٠. وَما أَنس وَالبَحر دَرويش نَجله
سوى لَمحة مِن نورِهم قَد تَوَقدا

31. More liberal than downpours from rainclouds unleashed.
A refuge for visitors - when cruel fate assailed them,

٣١. بِوالده في كُل فَضل وَمَشهد
تَأسى فَأضحى في المكارم سيدا

32. His tables spread for newcomers, set by hands that never tire.
O embodiment of munificence who filled his being with bounty,

٣٢. جَزيل أَياد أَخجل الغَيث وَبلها
فَأَحيا بِها رَوض النَوال وَأَوجَدا

33. You we know by your flowing stream of constant generosity.
O faultless one whose merit has always withstood

٣٣. تَعود أَسداء الجَميل وَإنما
لكل امرئ مِن دَهره ما تَعودا

34. Corruption's people, supporting the rightly-guided.
You made this age host to a human, else

٣٤. بَنى بَيت مَجد أَسسته أُصوله
فَأَضحى لَهُ سوراً حَصيناً مشَيدا

35. Blind in both eyes it would have groped sightless.
Through you horizons have stretched vast. Without you,

٣٥. وَقور إِذا طاشَت عُقول أولي النُهى
غَدا علما في قوة الرأي مُفرَدا

36. No! They would not have. Through you the world is graced.
To you hostility is humiliated. You've fasted with reward.

٣٦. يُنير ظَلام الشك نير عقله
فَيرفَع مَخفوضاً وَينصب مُبتَدا

37. Grateful, by the Merciful you've been promised enduring reward.
I greet you on this Feast that came visiting you, blessing you,

٣٧. جَرى في سَبيل الجود حَتّى علمته
جواداً وَمِن سَيل المَواطر أجودا

38. Wishing you happiness and guidance. Here is the new moon's scimitar -
Stand, make the prayer of peace, and sacrifice the ungodly!

٣٨. محط حال الوافِدين وَكَهفهم
إِذا جارَ فيهم جائر الدَهر وَاِعتَدى

39. May Abdullah always return to meet you, with renewed resolve,
And may your noble stars keep rising to the highest celestial sphere,

٣٩. مَوائده للطارِقين تَمدها
أَياد لَهُ لَم تَعرف الجزر سَرمَدا

40. Ever ascending in lasting glory! As long as the breeze blows gently
And birds of passion sing of her, warbling sweet melodies.

٤٠. فَيا مَظهر الجود الَّذي حَل روحه
بِهَيكله حَتّى عَرَفناه بِالنَدى