
The time has come, eloquence has reached you

غب عن الكون قد أتاك البلاغ

1. The time has come, eloquence has reached you
Describing the time and drink pleasant

١. غب عَن الكَون قَد أَتاكَ البَلاغ
وَصفا الوَقت وَالشَراب مساغ

2. Be lost in love, and leave those
Who strayed from the path of righteousness

٢. غالَ في الحُب وَاطرح عَنكَ قَوماً
عَن طَريق السَداد وَالحَق زاغوا

3. Their blindness blinded them, no matter how it appeared
They strayed from its sweet drinking fountain

٣. غلهم غالهم فَمهما تبدى
منهل عَن شرابه العَذب راغوا

4. They forgot their beloved, and so
Their resolve weakened, their minds scattered

٤. غفلوا عَن حَبيبهم فَلِهَذا
قَد وَهى عَزمَهُم وَطاشَ الدِماغ

5. Sing and praise, when you praise a prophet
Whose love is poured into people's hearts

٥. غن وَامدح إِذا مَدحت نَبياً
حُبه في القوى لَهُ أَفراغ

6. The pinnacle of success and joy comes from him
Since eloquence came from him

٦. غاية الفَوز وَالسعادة مِنهُ
قَد أَتتنا إِذ كانَ مِنهُ البَلاغ

7. The treasure of seekers, gem of sublimities
An ornament that the artisan perfected

٧. غَنية الطالِبين كنز المَعالي
حلية قَد أَجادَها الصواغ

8. No innovation when praising the Messenger
The inhabitants of heaven vie in his praise

٨. غَير بدع إِذا مَدَحت رَسولاً
بِثناه أَهل السَماء تَناغوا

9. Victorious forgiver, devout and pure
Manifest in his complete ablution

٩. غالب غافر تَقي نَقي
ظاهر في وضوئه أَسباغ

10. May God forgive my sin and grant me
Praising him, in it is that cast

١٠. غفر اللَه زلتي وَحَباني
بِمَديحي لَهُ فَفيهِ يُصاغ