1. O son of the virtuous, from the sons of Haydara
And the noble, courageous ones from the nobles of Adnan
١. يا ابن الأَطايب مِن أَبناء حَيدرة
وَالسادة الغُر مِن أَشراف عَدنان
2. And the son of the Prophet, who bowed before his rank
The creation of the universe, so each became his follower
٢. وَابن النَبي الَّذي دانَت لرتبته
شم الذرى فَغَدا كُل لَهُ داني
3. Excelled in superiority are a people whose merits
Are recited in verses of revelation and Quran
٣. حُزت المَفاخر عَن قَوم فَضائلهم
تُتلى بِآيات تَنزيل وَقُرآن
4. From every shining full moon are his fingers
A rain that poured goodness upon the world, deceitfully
٤. مِن كُل أَبلج وَضاح أَنامله
غَيث تسح عَلى الدُنيا بهتان
5. You were blessed when the veins were purified and spread
For you are the epitomes of generosity, O Son of Salman
٥. فَطبت إِذ طابَت الأَعراق وَاِنتَشَرَت
لَكَ المَكارم نَشراً يا ابنَ سَلمان
6. You were raised between giving, sacrifice and dew
Of generous palms, faith, and knowledge
٦. نَشَأت ما بَينَ إعطاء وَبَذل نَدى
وَجود كف وَإِيمان وَعرفان
7. And relief, relief for the hopefuls, your determination
On the day of attaining, for the far and the near
٧. وَراحة راحة للآملين همت
يَوم النَوال عَلى القاصي مَع الداني
8. And determination, if it wanted to uproot a pillar
It would shake with its strength the heart of Tehlan
٨. وَهمة لَو أَرادَت قَلع رابية
لَزَلزَلت بِقواها قلب ثَهلان
9. Indeed I thirsted to meet you for a long time
Yearning for the pillars and foundation of my being
٩. إِني ظَمئت إِلى لُقياك مُذ زَمَن
أَوهى قَواعد أَركاني وَبُنياني
10. I don't know, was that sin from my side?
Or yours, so remember and tell me who is to blame
١٠. لَم أَدرِ هَل كانَ ذاكَ الذَنب مِن طَرفي
أَم مِنكَ فاذكر وَقُل لي مَن هُوَ الجاني
11. I am innocent, but time is the criminal
With a nature that every human being falls into
١١. أَنا براء وَلَكن الزَمان جَني
سَجيةً عَم فيها كُل إِنسان
12. So praise be to Allah, from Allah who created us
With gathering at any time
١٢. فَالحَمد لِلّه من اللَه خالقنا
بالاجتماع بآن أيما آن