
The secret emerged from the unseen's obscurities

برز السر من خفايا الغيوب

1. The secret emerged from the unseen's obscurities
So hearts' lights received it wholeheartedly

١. برز السر مِن خفايا الغُيوب
فَتلقته نيرات القُلوب

2. It uncovered from its subtle veil, but still
It remained obscured from the blind's stumblings

٢. بان عَن ستره الرَقيق وَلَكن
قَد تَوارى عَن أكمه مَحجوب

3. A full moon - the full moon dimmed in its light
So it fell at the mention of it to setting

٣. بَدر تَم تضاءل البَدر مِنهُ
فَهَوى عندَ ذكره لِلغُروب

4. Its light reached the throne, so it shone
With the brightness of its glow, southern darkness

٤. بَلغ العَرش نوره فَتلالا
مِن سَنا ضوئه ظَلام الجنوب

5. An ocean of knowledge - knowledge burst from it
So its pouring's fresh water gave to drink

٥. بَحر علم تَفجر العلم مِنهُ
فَرَوى مِن زلاله المَسكوب

6. By my father! A master for him in sublimities
The best house on piety ever built

٦. بِأَبي سَيداً لَهُ في المَعالي
خَير بيت عَلى التُقى مَضروب

7. I've become infatuated with passionate love for him
With a heart robbed of yearning by love's agony

٧. بت مِن شدة الغَرام عَلَيه
بِفُؤاد مِن الهَوى مسلوب

8. In his beauty I fell in love - if it appeared
Certainly Layla would lose Yaqub from her eye

٨. بِجمال عشقته لَو تَبَدى
لزليخا ضلت عَن اليعقوبي

9. Come, O heart, my beloved, with your apparition in my dream
For you are the one I seek

٩. بادر القَلب يا حَبيبي بِطَيف
في مَنامي فَإنَّهُ مَطلوبي

10. My patience has vanished from seeing you, so my heart
Is in flames and my inner essence in anguish

١٠. باد صَبري عَن اللقا فَفُؤادي
في احتراق وَمُهجَتي في كروب