
Any voice I heard from afar

أي صوت سمعته من بعيد

1. Any voice I heard from afar
That the horizons of existence sing with

١. أي صَوت سَمعتهُ مِن بَعيد
تَتَغنى بِهِ جِهات الوُجود

2. Stood up in the pulpits of hearts as an orator
So it spread and disclosed its secret in skins

٢. قامَ في منبر القُلوب خَطيباً
فَسَرى نَشر سره في الجُلود

3. It renewed the covenant of joy, so it became
Manifest with all new bliss

٣. جَدد العَهد بِالسُرور فَأَضحى
يَتَجلى بِكُل سَعد جَديد

4. It is good tidings for the proud father
That gave him tidings of his newborn son

٤. هِيَ بُشرى لِوالد ذي فَخار
بشرته بِنجله المَولود

5. A star shone in the sky of perfection
A pearl strung on a unique necklace

٥. كَوكَب لاحَ في سَماء كَمال
دُرة عَلقت بِعقد فَريد

6. Coming first, it was a crescent
We saw its perfection on Eid

٦. مُستهلاً أَتى فَكانَ هِلالاً
قَد رَأَينا كَماله يَوم عيد

7. Unprecedented if it grew while a child
It is of the breed of honorable hunters

٧. غَير بدع إِذا سَما وَهوَ طفل
فَهوَ مِن عُنصر الكِرام الصيد

8. Every day their pride is in ascent
To the heights and their glory in ascension

٨. كُل يَوم فخارهم في سمو
لِلمَعالي وَمَجدهم في صعود

9. Congratulations to you Abdullah
For the generous, glorious arrival

٩. فَهنيئاً لَكَ البشارة عَبد اللَه
بِالقادم الكَريم المَجيد

10. May God extend his life and protect him
And grant him the garb of support

١٠. أَيد اللَه عمره وَرَعاه
وَحَباه بحلة التَأييد

11. He has not ceased being a gentle, rightly-guided lord
For he is part of the Gentle, the Rightly-Guided

١١. لَم يَزَل سَيداً حَليماً رَشيداً
فَهوَ جُزء مِن الحَليم الرَشيد

12. A full moon of joy for the sake of He who unveiled him
A shining moon with auspicious light

١٢. بَدر سَعد لأَجل ذا أَرخوه
قَمر مُشرق بِنوء سَعيد