
In the bosom of union, at the meadows,

در ثدي الوصال عند الورود

1. In the bosom of union, at the meadows,
We drank while every envier disappeared.

١. در ثَدي الوِصال عِندَ الورود
فَشَرِبنا وَغابَ كُل حَسود

2. May glory endure for us and pride persist,
Since we aspired to Ahmad, the Praised.

٢. دامَ عز لَنا وَدام فَخار
إِذ سَمَونا بِأَحمَد المَحمود

3. The whole world submitted to him,
And for his greatness, the limits bowed.

٣. دان كُل الوَرى لَهُ وَاستَقَلت
لِمَعاليه شاهِقات الحُدود

4. He destroyed polytheism with spears and meadows,
With young lions and brave youth like black lions.

٤. دمر الشرك بِالقَنا وَالمَواضي
مِن ليوث وَفتية كَالأُسود

5. He appeared during the darkness of time as a bright moon in the dark nights.
The mind was amazed at the attributes of a prophet,

٥. دار في غَيهب الزَمان ضياه
فَهوَ البَدر في اللَيالي السود

6. Who was distressed by Surat Hud in his youth out of fear.
I have weakened in battles for his sake,

٦. دهش العَقل مِن صفات نَبي
شابَ مِن خَوفه بِسورة هود

7. While my feet firmly stood in prostration.
Without him, souls became humiliated but,

٧. دميت في مَعارك الحَرب مِنه
قَدم قَد تَمَكنت في السُجود

8. Out of passion for him, they became shackled.
The pearl of her Lord wanted to meet Him,

٨. دونه هانَت النُفوس وَلَكن
أَصبَحَت من غَرامه في قُيود

9. To boast with her to all existence.

٩. دُرة رَبِها أَرادَ لقاها
لِيُباهي بِها جَميع الوجود