
Your excellence has become apparent, O finest of people and descendants,

بدا فضلكم يا صفوة الخلق والذرى

1. Your excellence has become apparent, O finest of people and descendants,
So it has become for us fragrance, musk, and ambergris.

١. بَدا فَضلكم يا صَفوة الخَلق وَالذرى
فَصارَ لَنا طيباً وَمسكاً وَعَنبَرا

2. I say, as my tears flow copiously,
O children of Ahmed, the best of Allah among all people,

٢. أَقول وَدَمعي بِالصَبابة قَد جَرى
بَني أَحمَد يا خيرة اللَه في الوَرى

3. Peace be upon you whether we are present or absent.
You have illuminated all creatures with your blessings,

٣. سَلام عَليكُم إِن حَضَرنا وَإن غبنا
أَنَرتُم جَميع الكائِنات ببركم

4. And honored the world with your sublime mystery.
The regions of the universe have been scented with your pure diffusion,

٤. وَشَرفتُم الدُنيا بِغامض سركم
وَطابَت جِهات الكَون مِن طيب نَشركم

5. You have purified so we became pure through your abundant purity,
And you have been wholesome, so from the traces of your wholesomeness we became wholesome.

٥. طَهرتم فَطهرنا بِفاضل طهركم
وَطبتُم فَمِن آثار طيبكُم طِبنا

6. When can we be satiated, after longing, by meeting you,
And our souls be illuminated by the light of your splendor?

٦. مَتى نَشتَفي بَعد النَوى بِلقائكم
وَأَرواحنا تجلى بِنور ضِيائكم

7. Pray for us, for we are among the beautiful of your guidance,
And we have inherited, from our forefathers, the covenant of your allegiance.

٧. صلونا لأنا مِن جَميل اِهتدائِكُم
وَرَثنا عَن الآباء عقد وَلائكم

8. And we, when we die, will pass it on to our children.

٨. وَنَحنُ إِذا مُتنا نورثه الأَبنا