
He is the origin, the essence from which excellence springs

عربي منه الفخار يضوع

1. He is the origin, the essence from which excellence springs
While all others are but offshoots and tributaries

١. عَرَبي مِنهُ الفَخار يَضوع
فَهوَ أَصل وَمن عداه فُروع

2. The secret meaning, the very eye of existence is he
The eye and source of life, an endless font

٢. عَين هَذا الوجود سراً وَمَعنى
وَهوَ عَين الحَياة وَاليَنبوع

3. With witnessing filled, his heart is ever pure
In him all wisdom and guidance based

٣. عامر القَلب بالشهود تَقي
وَبِهِ العلم وَالهُدى مَوضوع

4. Witnessing the Truth, eyes lowered in awe
Made tranquil, submissive in his grace

٤. عاين الحَق وَالعُيون هجود
فَعلته سَكينة وَخضوع

5. Exalted be his favor and gifts upon us
His name lifted high, spoken with praise

٥. عظم الفَضل وَالنَوال عَلَيه
فَأَتانا وَذكره مَرفوع

6. Our hearts know him, thus certain we remain
He is the intercessor, the messenger we seek

٦. عَرَفته قُلوبنا فَلِهَذا
أَيقَنَت أَنَّهُ الرَسول الشَفيع

7. Dealing with all gently, mercifully inclined
Master obeyed, obedient guide sublime

٧. عامل الكُل بِارتفاق وَلين
فَهوَ السَيد المُطاع المُطيع

8. In him accustomed we are to patience and care
A fortress against trials, sturdy and firm

٨. عودتنا عَلَيهِ عادات حلم
فَهوَ حصن للنائِبات مَنيع

9. Bestowing gifts and kindness over all realms
His heart ever open, though wounded and torn

٩. عَم كُل الوَرى نَوالاً وَلُطفاً
وَالمناوي فُؤاده مَصدوع

10. Curing us with his memory, singing his praises
He is the swift remedy, the healing we yearn

١٠. عَللونا بِذكره وَأعيدوا
مَدحه إنَّهُ الشفاء السَريع