
Gardens strewn with pearls of dew

ุฑูŠุงุถ ุนู„ูŠู‡ุง ุฌูˆู‡ุฑ ุงู„ุทู„ ูŠู†ุซุฑ

1. Gardens strewn with pearls of dew
Whispering tales of love anew

ูก. ุฑููŠุงุถ ุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ุฌูŽูˆู‡ุฑ ุงู„ุทู„ ูŠู†ุซุฑ
ุชูŽุจุซ ุฃูŽุญุงุฏูŠุซ ุงู„ุบูŽุฑุงู… ูˆูŽุชู†ุดุฑ

2. When the north wind stirs each bough
Like swaying figures they bow

ูข. ุฅูุฐุง ู…ุง ุซูŽู†ู‰ ุฑูŠุญ ุงู„ุดูŽู…ุงู„ ุบูุตูˆู†ู‡ุง
ุชูŽูˆู‡ู…ุชู‡ุง ู‚ุงู…ุงุช ุบูŠุฏ ุชูƒุณุฑ

3. Should narcissus slumber there
Eyes like buds they burst and tear

ูฃ. ูˆูŽุฅูู† ู†ุงู…ูŽ ููŠู‡ุง ุงู„ู†ูŽุฑุฌุณ ุงู„ุบุถ ุฎู„ุชู‡
ุนููŠูˆู†ุงู‹ ูŠุฑุงู… ุงู„ููŽุชุญ ู…ูู†ู‡ุง ููŽุชูƒุณุฑ

4. Roses but a garden fair
Where cheeks like wine take air

ูค. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุงู„ูˆูŽุฑุฏ ุฅูู„ุง ูˆุฌู†ุฉ ุนู†ุฏู…ูŠุฉ
ูŠูŽุฑูˆู‚ ุจูู‡ุง ุฎูŽุฏ ู…ูู† ุงู„ู‚ุงู† ุฃูŽุญู…ูŽุฑ

5. Pomegranates nothing more
Than breasts that raven tresses pour

ูฅ. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุฃููƒุฑ ุงู„ุฑูู…ุงู† ููŠ ุฃูŽุตู„ู‡ ุณูˆู‰
ู†ูู‡ูˆุฏ ุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ุญุงู„ูƒ ุงู„ุดุนุฑ ูŠู†ุซุฑ

6. I knew wine from his vine
A draft to rouse and bind

ูฆ. ุชูŽูŠู‚ู†ุช ุฃู† ุงู„ุฎูŽู…ุฑ ู…ูู† ู…ุงุก ูƒุฑู…ู‡ุง
ุฑุถุงุจ ุจูู‡ู ูŠูŽุตุญูˆ ุงู„ููุคุงุฏ ูˆูŽูŠุณูƒุฑ

7. Dewdrops necklaces bejeweled
On stems theyโ€™re born and yield

ูง. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุงู„ุทู„ุน ุฅูู„ุง ุนู‚ุฏ ุฏุฑ ุจุฎุงุชู…
ูˆูŽู„ูŽูƒู† ุฐุง ู†ุจุช ูˆูŽุฐูŽู„ููƒูŽ ุฌูŽูˆู‡ุฑ

8. Each visitor but gifts
Of beauty that never lifts

ูจ. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุงู„ุนุงุฑูุถ ุงู„ูˆูŽุณู…ูŠ ู…ูุฐ ุฒุงุฑูŽู‡ุง ุณูˆู‰
ุนูŽุทุงูŠุง ุญูุณูŠู† ูƒูู„ูŽู…ุง ุดุฆุช ุชู…ุทุฑ

9. Noble scions of repute
If seas run deep their hearts moreso

ูฉ. ุณูŽู„ูŠู„ ูƒูุฑุงู… ุฅูู† ุฌูŽุฑู‰ ุงู„ุจูŽุญุฑ ุฒุงุฎูุฑุงู‹
ููŽุจุญุฑ ุฃูŽูŠุงุฏูŠู‡ู… ุฃูŽุฌู„ ูˆูŽุฃูŽูƒุซุฑ

10. Stallions pawing the ground
When monsters rear and resound

ูกู . ุบูŽุทุงุฑู ุถูŽุฑุงุจูˆู† ู‡ุจุฑุงู‹ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุทู„ู‰
ุฅูุฐุง ู…ุง ุงูุดู…ูŽุฃุฒ ุงู„ู…ุงุฑูุฏ ุงู„ู…ูุชูŽุฌุจุฑ

11. Nurtured on sweetest air
To branch and fruit they bear

ูกูก. ู†ูŽุดุง ุจูŽูŠู†ู‡ู… ุชูŽุบุฐูˆู‡ ุทูŠุจ ุนูŽู†ุงุตุฑ
ููŽุฃูŽุตุจูŽุญ ุบูุตู†ุงู‹ ู„ูู„ู†ูŽุฏู‰ ูˆูŽู‡ูˆูŽ ู…ุซู…ุฑ

12. Refined since infancy
Musk and amber their pedigree

ูกูข. ุชูŽู‡ูŽุฐุจ ู…ูู† ู‚ุจู„ ุงู„ููุทุงู… ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฒูŽูƒูŽุช
ุฎูŽู„ุงุฆูู‡ ู„ู„ุนุฑุถ ู…ุณูƒ ูˆูŽุนูŽู†ุจุฑ

13. In them we see their sires
Though gone, like recalls like

ูกูฃ. ุฅูุฐุง ู…ุง ุฑูŽุฃูŽูŠู†ุงู‡ ุฑูŽุฃูŽูŠู†ุง ุฌูุฏูˆุฏู‡
ูˆูŽุฅูู† ุณู„ูŽููˆุง ูˆูŽุงู„ุดูŽูŠุก ุจูุงู„ุดูŽูŠุก ูŠูุฐูƒุฑ

14. If we lack his fatherโ€™s presence
Assembly with him is recompense

ูกูค. ูˆูŽุฅู† ุดุงู‚ู†ุง ู…ูู†ู‡ู ุฒูŠุงุฑุฉ ูˆุงู„ุฏ
ู„ูŽู‡ู ูŠูƒูู†ุง ู…ูู†ู‡ู ุงุฌุชู…ุงุน ูˆูŽู…ุญุถุฑ

15. His father scorned disgrace
A sword of glory encased

ูกูฅ. ุฃูŽุจูˆู‡ ุฃูŽุจู‰ ุฃูŽู† ูŠูŽู„ุญู‚ ุงู„ู„ุคู… ุนุฑุถู‡
ููŽู…ุง ู‡ููˆูŽ ุฅูู„ุง ุณูŽูŠู ู…ุฌุฏ ู…ุฌูˆู‡ุฑ

16. Resolves known to test time
Beyond weak attempts to undermine

ูกูฆ. ู„ูŽู‡ู ุนุฒู…ุงุช ูŠุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฏูŽู‡ุฑ ุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽู‡ุง
ู…ูŽูˆุงุถูŠ ู‚ูŽุถุงุก ุญูŽุฏู‡ุง ู„ูŽูŠุณูŽ ูŠูƒุณุฑ

17. Hands that halt tribulations
Vanquishing greed, gracing nations

ูกูง. ูˆูŽูƒู ุชูƒู ุงู„ุญุงุฏูุซุงุช ุฅูุฐ ุฏูŽุญูŽุช
ูˆูŽูŠูŽู‡ู„ูƒ ููŠู‡ุง ุงู„ุจุฎู„ ูˆูŽุงู„ุฌูˆุฏ ูŠู†ุตุฑ

18. In the land of Khushkhashiyah
By Godโ€™s will he holds sway

ูกูจ. ุฃูŽู‚ุงู… ุจูุฏุงุฑ ุงู„ุฎุดุฎุดูŠุฉ ุตุงุฑูู…ุงู‹
ุจูู‡ู ุงู„ู„ูŽู‡ ูŠูŽู‚ุถูŠ ู…ุง ูŠูŽุดุงุก ูˆูŽูŠู‚ุฏุฑ

19. Dear Hussein a gift from me
That wafts like sweetest perfume

ูกูฉ. ููŽุฎุฐ ูŠุง ุญุณูŠู† ุงู„ุดูŽู‡ู… ู…ู†ูŠ ุฎูŽุฑูŠุฏุฉ
ุชุฒู ุฅูู„ู‰ ุฃูŽุจูˆุงุจูƒู… ูˆูŽุชุนุทุฑ

20. Live in peace and health imbibe
For lovers a Kauthar of wine

ูขู . ููŽุนุด ุณุงู„ูู…ุงู‹ ูˆูŽุงุดุฑุจ ุณู„ุงูุฉ ุซูŽุบุฑู‡ุง
ููŽุฅูู† ู„ู…ุงู‡ุง ู„ู„ู…ุญุจูŠู† ูƒูŽูˆุซุฑ