1. You surpassed all people without contention,
So you became the master of nobility.
١. فقت كُل الوَرى بِغَير خلاف
فَلِذا كُنتُ سَيد الأَشراف
2. To you belongs majesty and supreme glory,
Like Amr and Abd Manaf.
٢. فَلكَ المَجد وَالفَخار المعلى
مَن كعمرو وَمن كَعبد مُناف
3. Your youths are like stars and the full moon among them.
You, oh possessor of perfect and ample virtues.
٣. فتية كَالنُجوم وَالبَدر فيها
أَنتَ يا صاحب الكَمال الوافي
4. When you boast, their boasting comes from you,
And if you excel, your stature is sufficient.
٤. فَإِذا فاخرت فَفَخرهم مِنك
وَإِن طاوَلت فَقَدرك كاف
Through you, time and existence are illuminated,
٥. فَبِكَ الدَهر وَالوجود مُنير
مُشرق الوَجه لين الأَعطاف
6. Bright of face, gentle of manners.
Talk of you makes distress flee and wither away -
٦. فر مِن ذكرك العَنا وَتَلاشت
ملة الكُفر وَالعَدو الجافي
7. The religion of disbelief and the hostile enemy.
In spring, the world blossomed into spring,
٧. في رَبيع بَدا الزَمان رَبيعاً
يَتَغذى بِوابل رجاف
8. Nourished by gentle rain.
From Damascus rose a radiance from you that shone
٨. فازَ من شام طَلعة مِنكَ ضاءَت
وَتَحَلت بِأكرم الأَوصاف
9. And was adorned with the most honorable traits.
It is like the sun, giving light to mankind,
٩. فَهيَ كَالشَمس للعباد ضياء
لَست غال وَسورة الأَعراف
10. You are not absent, and Surat Al-A'raf.
Help me, oh Abu Al-Batool, for I
١٠. فَأَغثني أَبا البتول فَإِني
صرت أدعى بِعبدك الوصاف