
O best of those who settled in settlements and sanctuaries

يا خير من حل في حل وفي حرم

1. O best of those who settled in settlements and sanctuaries
And transcended people in generosity and nobility

١. يا خَير مَن حلّ في حلٍّ وَفي حَرَم
وَمَن سَما الخَلق في جود وَفي كَرَم

2. So much glory and awe has appeared from you
And the day of Mecca when you surpassed the nations

٢. فَكَم بَدا لَك مِن عزٍّ وَمِن حشم
وَيَوم مَكة إِذ أشرفت مِن أُمم

3. The mountain passes were too narrow for it
Tribes submitted, their noses in the dust for it

٣. يَضيق عَنها فجاج الوَعث وَالسَهل
طَوائف خضعت شم الأُنوف لَها

4. And the chiefs who saw it bowed down to it
Its banners adorned it on the day of battle with it

٤. وسادة مَن رَآها عَن حجاء لَها
أَعلامها زانَها يَوم الكِفاح بِها

5. Al-Khawafiq narrowed for the galloping horses and camels
In columns of the clattering hooves of horses and camels

٥. خَوافق ضاقَ ذرع الخافِقين لَها
في قائم مِن عجاج الخَيل وَالإبل

6. Squadrons that related the news from books
And leaders who led them to battle, the best of sons

٦. كَتائب رَوَت الأَخبار عَن كتب
وَقادة قادَها للحرب خَير بَني

7. It did not weary them, the hardship in raiding and seeking
And regiments that thrust into the rugged mountains

٧. لَم يعيها الشَد في أَخذ وَفي طَلَب
وَجَحفل قَذف الأَرجاء ذي لجب

8. Clashing like the darkness of night descending
God will honor them with victory and success

٨. عَرَمرم كَزهاء اللَيل منسدل
اللَه بِالنَصر وَالتَوفيق يكرمهم

9. And in their straits, no doubt, He will have mercy on them
How would the Master disgrace them and deprive them?

٩. وَفي مَضايقهم لا شَك يَرحمهُم
وَكَيفَ يخزيهم المَولى وَيحرمهم

10. While you, may God's blessings be upon you, lead them
In an effulgence of light from you made complete

١٠. وَأَنتَ صَلى عَلَيك اللَه تقدمهم
في بَهو إشراق نور مِنك مُكتمل

11. Robed in the armor of glory, sheltered
As if you were the lofty standard, upright

١١. مُسَربلاً بِدُروع العز مُحتبيا
كَأَنك الضيغم الرئبال مُنتَصبا

12. And you, O highest of Arabs and non-Arabs
Illuminating above the most radiant of faces, drawing near

١٢. وَأَنتَ يا مَن سَما الأَعجام وَالعربا
تُنير فَوق أَغر الوَجه مُنتَجِبا

13. Crowned with the mighty victory, drawing ahead
Through you, religion has been concluded and initiated

١٣. مُتَوجاً بعَزيز النَصر مُقتبل
أَضحى بِكَ الدين مَختوماً وَمُبتَديا

14. And the confederation of polytheism has bowed down before you
As if I see you, my Master, taking refuge

١٤. وَقائم الشرك أَضحى مِنكَ منحنيا
كَأَنَّني بِكَ لا مَولاي مُحتبيا

15. Rising before God's armies, wearing
The garb of dignity for God's command, compliant

١٥. تَسمو أمام جُنود اللَه مُرتَديا
ثَوب الوَقار لأَمر اللَه مُمتثل

16. O Guide, God's tranquility descended upon you
And from you the sun of glories rose in the land

١٦. سَكينة اللَه يا هادي عَلَيكَ همت
وَمِنكَ شَمس المَعالي في الوَرى وَسمت

17. And when God's armies stood in formation
They were humbled beneath the splendor of glory when it rose

١٧. وَحينَ صفت جُنود اللَه وَانتَظَمت
خشعت تَحت بَهاء العز حينَ سَمَت

18. Through you awe overcame the reverent
You gave Mecca on the day of opening and sanctuary

١٨. بِكَ المَهابة فعل الخاضع الوَجل
منحت مَكة يَوم الفَتح وَالحرما

19. With your sandal, O you who transcended with glory
The House had wept blood before that

١٩. بوطئ نَعلك يا مَن بِالفَخار سَما
وَالبَيت قَد كانَ يَبكي قَبل ذاكَ دَما

20. And the angels of heaven rejoiced in what
It had ruled when it attained the pinnacle of hope

٢٠. وَقَد تَباشر أَملاك السَماء بِما
مَلَكت إِذ نلت مِنهُ غاية الأَمل

21. You came in numbers, best of the pious
With more than the flood and the drowning

٢١. أتيت أَعداد دين اللَه خَير تَقي
بِما يَفوق عَلى الطُوفان وَالغَرَق

22. So among your armies are the east in vigilance
And the earth quakes in rapture and severing

٢٢. فَمِن جُنودك حزب الشرق في أَرق
وَالأَرض تَرجف مِن زَهو وَمِن فَرق

23. And the atmosphere glitters with the radiance of unsheathing
For you the kings acknowledged in their captivity

٢٣. وَالجَو يَزهو إِشراقاً مِن الجَذل
لَكَ المُلوك أَقَرت في أَسرتها

24. And the leaders of the kingdom bound in their crises
And the sum of victory has come in its entirety

٢٤. وَقادة الملك قيدت في أَزمتها
وَجملة النَصر قَد جاءَت برمتها

25. And the horses prance in the pride of their forelocks
And the stallions flow in the bend of the creek

٢٥. وَالخَيل تَختال زَهواً في أعنتها
وَالعيس يَنسال زَهواً في ثنى الجَدل