1. O sons of Ahmed, the best of Allah among people
And from love for them our livers are built
١. بَني أَحمد يا خيرة اللَه في الوَرى
وَمِن حُبهم في طَي أَكبادِنا يُبنى
2. And O masters extend and extend their tombs
Peace be upon you whether we are present or absent
٢. وَيا سادة شطوا وَشَط مَزارهم
سَلام عَلَيكُم إِن حَضَرنا وَإِن غبنا
3. You purified so we are purified by your superior purity
You sought so we sought but in your love we sought
٣. طَهرتهم فطهرنا بِفاضل طهركم
وَطلتُم وَلَكن في مَحبتكم طلنا
4. And we blocked when you blocked people with piety
And you were good so from traces of your goodness we were good
٤. وَسدنا بِكُم إِذا سدتُم الناس بِالتُقى
وَطبتم فَمِن آثار طيبكم طبنا
5. We inherited from our fathers loyalty to you
So we are upon it whether we remain or pass away
٥. وَرثنا عَن الآباء عقد وَلائكُم
فَنَحنُ عَلَيهِ إِن بَقينا وَإِن متنا
6. And with it we ascend the highest in our lives
And when we die we bequeath it to our sons
٦. وَنَحنُ بِهِ نَرقى العلى في حياتِنا
وَنَحنُ إِذا متنا نورثه الأَبنا