1. O Family of Mustafa, O ultimate goal and desire
We have come to you when affliction and adversity touched us
١. بَنيّ المُصطَفى يا غاية القَصد وَالمُنى
نَزَلنا بِكُم إِذ مَسنا الضر وَالعَنا
2. We say, and the affairs of time are difficult right now
Hussein, whenever a vast plain becomes constricted
٢. نَقول وَخَطب الدَهر في الحال إِن دَنا
حسين إِذا ما ضاقَ رَحب مِن الدنا
3. And we were struck by grave calamities
Through your status may we be forgiven, though matters are difficult
٣. وَحَل بِنا لِلفادِحات نزول
بِجاهك عذنا وَالأُمور عَسيرة
4. They are but a single tragedy, and an easy one
And if one day truly perilous afflictions occur
٤. فَما هِيَ إِلا فذة وَيَسيرة
وَإِن عرضت يَوماً خطوب خَطيرة
5. Through your grave we seek forgiveness, though graves are many
But those who protect the visitor are few
٥. بِقَبرك لذنا وَالقُبور كَثيرة
وَلَكن من يَحمي النَزيل قَليل