
Blessings from the Merciful in every hour

رضاء من الرحمن في كل ساعة

1. Blessings from the Merciful in every hour
Illuminate a face whose light still rises

١. رضاء مِن الرَحمن في كُل ساعة
يُصافح وَجهاً لَم يَزَل نورهُ يَعلو

2. With his gray hair we are watered when life departs
And the eyes of earth close as the heights ascend

٢. بشيبته نسقى إِذا أَقلع الحَيا
وَغارَت عُيون الأَرض وَارتفع الطل

3. He rejoices in piety, dignified and joyful
His outer self is light and his inner self connection

٣. تَهلل بِالتَقوى وَقاراً وَبَهجة
فَظاهره نور وَباطنه وصل

4. And he built with noble knowledge many dwellings
Emptiness and ignorance had ruled them before that

٤. وَعمر بالعلم الشَريف مَنازِلاً
عَلاها الفَنا مِن قَبل ذَلِكَ وَالجَهل

5. He extended to the healthy a generous palm
Giving freely until that giving was made blind

٥. وَمَد عَلى العافين كَفاً سَخية
بذولاً إِلى أَن عمنا ذَلِكَ البَذل

6. May the God of the Throne reward you, O son of Mohammed
With the reward of a benefactor whose word becomes action

٦. جَزاكَ إِله العَرش يا ابن محمد
جَزاء وصول منعم قَوله الفعل

7. You have excelled, and excelling is your wont
Upon all the hale your bouties constantly rain

٧. تَفضلت وَالأفضال مِنكَ سَجية
عَلى كُل عاف في الوجود لَها هطل

8. I praise you not in hope of worthless fragments
But have gained honor describing your virtues and yours is the credit

٨. مَدحتك لا أَرجو الحطام وَإِنَّما
تَشَرفت في أَوصافكم وَلَكَ الفَضل

9. Honor enough that I counted myself among you
And through you my people and worth are made greater

٩. كَفى شَرَفاً أَني حسبت عَلَيكُم
فَاسمو عَلى قَومي وَقَدري بِكُم يَعلو

10. By what right do I claim I am linked to you?
And take shelter in your most lofty line of descent?

١٠. وَمَن لي بِأَني قَد نسبت إِلَيكُم
وَجدكم الأَعلى تَلوذُ بِهِ الرُسل