1. My joy passed away, so I called to her: stay!
How many a suffering heart yearns when loved ones stray.
١. مَضَت سعدى فَقُلت لَها أَقيمي
فَكَم في البَين مِن قَلب كَليم
2. Stay to mourn with us, help us in our grief profound,
For sorrow dwells with us and will not leave this ground.
٢. أَقيمي للنواح وَساعِدينا
عَلى حُزن بِأَحشانا مُقيم
3. Know you not, my joy, of Badr in his prime?
A bright star risen to fame's lofty clime.
٣. أَما تَدرين يا سعدى بِبَدر
بَدا في ذروة المَجد الصَميم
4. The nights concealed him after his acclaim,
That noble face no more shines as it came.
٤. فَغالته اللَيالي بَعدَ تم
وَإشراق مِن الوَجه الوَسيم
5. God spared him from life’s darkest, bleakest days.
He walked not long in misdirected ways.
٥. لحاها اللَه مِن نوب صعاب
مَشَت في غَير نَهج مُستَقيم
6. To ruin he went, no happiness he bore,
He grazed in pastures growing ever more poor.
٦. أَتَت شَططاً فَما تَرَكَت سُروراً
وَقَد رَتَعَت بمرتعها الوَخيم
7. Do you not know with what resolve he stayed,
And what great man by fate he was waylaid?
٧. أَلَم تَعلم بِأَي حمى أَناخَت
وَقَد فَتَكَت بِأَي فَتى عَظيم
8. The star that rose and brilliance did attain
From excellence of olden days again,
٨. هَوى النَجم الَّذي ما زالَ يَعلو
وَيطلع في ذُرى الفَضل القَديم
9. Has gone, and left my heart enshrouded in gloom
As if the fires of Hell had lit its tomb.
٩. مَضى فَغَدَت جِهات القَلب سوداً
كَأَن بِفوده نار الجَحيم
10. The earth has claimed graces that adorned this life,
Though in its soil they dwell in tranquil strife.
١٠. مَحاسن في الثَرى غابَت فَأَضحت
بطون الترب مِنها في نَعيم
11. His deeds raised virtues high in special ways,
And shone as models for ensuing days.
١١. وَأَفعال بِها تَسمو المَعالي
جَرى فيها عَلى نَهج قَويم
12. Sires of honour pass them on so their line
Thrives on virtuous deeds and teachings fine.
١٢. تورثها لآباء كِرام
وَطيب عَناصر وَزكاء خيم
13. With grieving hearts we'll weep for one so good,
Our streaming tears a long somber flood.
١٣. سَنَبكي صالِحاً بِفُؤاد حُزن
وَدَمع مِن نَواظرنا سَجيم
14. For one departed tears bring no relief.
Dirges for the lost assuage no grief.
١٤. وَما يُجدي البُكاء عَلى فَقيد
وَما يغني النواح عَلى عَديم
15. Yet burning in the breast hot tears will course
From anguished heart their bitter force.
١٥. وَلَكن حرقة في الصَدر تَجري
عصارتها مِن القَلب السَقيم
16. God's mercy ever flows compassionate.
It is a noble gift, a bounty great.
١٦. فَلا زالت سجال العَفو تهمي
عَلَيهِ مِن نَدى رَب كَريم
17. Deliver him this message, stalwart friend,
If you've a heart that's virtuous to the end:
١٧. أَلا من مبلغ عَنا أباه
خَليلاً فَهوَ ذو قَلب سَليم
18. With fortitude, Shabal, his loss withstand,
Rest in the care of God's almighty hand.
١٨. تَصبر وَاحتسب لِلّه شبلاً
أَناخَ بِمربع الرَب العَليم
19. Though heavy blows should on you worthless fall,
Let promised rewards your spirit recall.
١٩. وَكُن بِالأَجر مُغتبطاً معافى
وَإِن أَصبَحت في خَطبٍ جَسيم
20. God blessed you in both worlds with favours much,
With grace and mercy from His throne you touch.
٢٠. حَباكَ اللَه في الدارين فَضلاً
وَلُطفاً مِن لدن صَمَد حَليم
21. Forgiveness fills your history's brightest page,
It ushers you to Paradise's stage.
٢١. لَهُ الغُفران في التاريخ زاد
يُبشره بِجَنات النَعيم