
The sun of truth shone above the throne

شمس حق تلألأت فوق عرش

1. The sun of truth shone above the throne
Dispelling with its light all deceit

١. شَمس حَق تَلألأت فَوقَ عَرش
فَأَزالَت بِنورها كُل غش

2. The eyes of the universe witnessed it, but
The difference between man and beast was clear

٢. شَهدتها بَصائر الكَون لكن
يظهر الفَرق بَينَ إِنس وَوَحش

3. The mark of the people when it appeared
Was that they understood its every verse

٣. شَيمة القَوم أَنَّهُم حينَ لاحَت
فهموا مِن سطورها كُل نَقش

4. Its goodness spread among the people, you see them
Sprinkled upon hearts and watered

٤. شاعَ في الناس طيبها فَتَراهم
بَينَ نضح عَلى القُلوب ورش

5. Its nobility pierced the heavens in reach
For a prophet whose mouth never uttered lewdness

٥. شَرف يخرق السَماء مَداه
لِنَبي ما فاه يَوماً بِفحش

6. Its law superseded all other laws
Firm, unshaken by caprice or tremors

٦. شَرعه ناسخ لشرع سواه
ثابت لَم يسم بهز وَرَعش

7. The Chosen One revered it through ancient mention
Not from an eloquent speaker or able author

٧. شادهُ المُصطَفى بِذكر قَديم
مِن حَكيم لا مِن فَصيح وَمنشي

8. A group upheld it and recited it
Youth amidst transmitter and exegete

٨. شَرحته عِصابة وَتَلَتهُم
فتية بَينَ ناسخ وَمَحشي

9. They transmitted it successively when they related it
Through a chain attributed to Hafs and Warsh

٩. شَهروه تَواتراً إِذا رووه
مِن طَريق يُعزى لحفص وَورش

10. Ears recoiled from it in the wings of night
And upon its balanced path they walked

١٠. شَنف السَمع مِنهُ في جنح لَيل
وَعَلى نَهجه المقوم فامش