
Praising the Prophet spread widely

طاب مدح النبي نشرا وبسطا

1. Praising the Prophet spread widely
And became well-known amongst the people

١. طابَ مَدح النَبي نَشراً وَبَسطا
فَغَدا في مسامع القَوم قرطا

2. We often repel harm with praise
And strike the enemy with eulogy

٢. طالَما نَدفع العَنا بِثَناء
وَنَقط العَدو بِالمَدح قَطا

3. My needs called upon me
To send blessings and peace upon him as duty

٣. طالبتني حَوائِجي بِصَلاة
وَسَلام عَلَيهِ إِذ كانَ شَرطا

4. The remembrance is good when supplication begins
With sending blessings upon him one day so it brings reward

٤. طيب الذكر ما اِبتَدَأت دُعاء
بِصَلاة عَلَيهِ يَوماً فَأَبطا

5. Greetings O visitor to the fragrant grave
That contains felicity, virtue and justice

٥. طبت يا زائِراً بطيبة قَبراً
قَد حَوى سُؤدداً وَفَضلاً وَقسطاً

6. Visit that shrine and scent its soil
And remember the youth from the open desert

٦. طف بذاك الضريح والثم ثراه
وتذكر فتى عن الربع شطا

7. Ill-omen struck his protector so he ended up
Settling with his family dismayed

٧. طنب النَحس في حماه فَأَضحى
ثاوياً عِندَ أَهلِهِ يَتَمَطى

8. The floods of sins overwhelmed him
Thus he deviated from the path of good

٨. طفحت لجة الذُنوب عَلَيه
فَلِذا عَن مَناهج الخَير أَخطا

9. The calamities of fate struck him but
Your rope of hopes for him remains tied

٩. طَرَقته نَوائب الدَهر لَكِن
حَبل آماله بِكُم زادَ رَبطا

10. He fell O most generous of mankind so save
A visitor at your vast door that halted

١٠. طاحَ يا أَكرَم الوَرى فَتَدارك
وافِداً عِندَ بابك الرَحب حطا