
Dwell with the Most High, and heed not what befalls;

جاور عليا ولا تحفل لحادثة

1. Dwell with the Most High, and heed not what befalls;
Events now come to pass of mighty import.

١. جاور عَلياً وَلا تَحفَل لِحادثة
وَطارق قَد أَتى بِالحادث الجَلَل

2. For you are clad in robes of His affection;
When so clad, ask no questions of the thorns.

٢. فَقَد لَبست دُروعاً مِن مَحبته
إِذا أدرعت فَلا تَسأَل عَن الأَسَل

3. Inquire of Him, pronounce His name, behold Him;
You'll find tresses of musk and honey mingled.

٣. سَل عَنهُ وَانطق بِهِ وَانظر إِلَيهِ تَجد
شَمائِلاً مزجت بِالخَمر والعَسَل

4. His attributes, His most exalted name and image
Are on men's lips, their hearts, their eyes' retinas.

٤. فَنعتهُ وَاسمه الأَعلى وَصورته
عَلى المَسامع وَالأَفواه وَالمُقَل