1. By my father and mother, he who came visiting me
In my time of need, a consoling friend
١. بِأَبي وَأمي مَن أَتاني زائِراً
وَلفاقتي وَعَظيم كسري جابرا
2. And allowed me to kiss a radiant face
I kissed a cheek among the brilliant beauties
٢. وَأَباحني تَقبيل وَجه نير
فَلثمت خَداً في المَحاسن باهِرا
3. And smelled a fragrance emanating from his robe
A delicate fragrance, pure musk, a scent so fresh
٣. وَشَمَمت طيباً فاحَ مِن أَردانِه
طيباً سَما مسكاً عَبيقاً عاطرا
4. I became drunk with the nearness of my beloved
And in my joy remained bewildered
٤. وَسَكرت مِن وَصل الحَبيب وَقُربه
وَبَقيت مِن فرحي بِذَلك حائِرا
5. Time allowed a moment, had it been met
With life, none would buy it and lose
٥. سَمح الزَمان بِلحظة لَو قوبلت
بِالعمر لَم يَك مشتريها خاسِرا
6. When I met with the most generous messenger
Who was an abundant sea of prophethood
٦. حَيث اجتمَعت بِها بأكرم مُرسل
مَن كانَ بَحراً لِلنبوة زاخِرا
7. I saw a face shining with beauty
A full moon surrounded by brilliance
٧. وَنَظرت وَجهاً بِالمِلاحة ساطِعاً
وَجَبين بَدر بِالمَحاسن زاهِرا
8. He is the supported one, with the book, and if one
Turned from his faith, he would become disgraced and corrupt
٨. فَهوَ المُؤيد بِالكِتاب وَمَن لَوى
عَن دينه أَضحى مُهاناً فاجِرا
9. The crown of existence, one who takes refuge in his door
Finds safety and attains manifest honor
٩. تاج الوُجود وَمَن يَلوذ بِبابِه
وَجد الأَمان وَنالَ عزاً ظاهِرا
10. The light of insight, one who holds fast
To his bridle attains steadfast glory
١٠. نور البَصائر مَن غَدا مُتمسكا
بِزِمامه نالَ اعتِصاماً فاخِرا
11. I implore you, succor of the weak, their treasure
Show me light in my heart abundant
١١. أَرجوك يا غَوث الضَعيف وَكنزه
نوراً أراه عَلى فُؤادي غامِرا
12. And kindness, that hearts are softened by its water
So my longing for you becomes plentiful
١٢. وَلَطيفة تجلى القُلوب بِمائِها
لِيَكون شَوقي فيكَ شَوقاً وافِرا
13. Upon you, may God send peace, as long as souls
Revive at seeing you, tossed aside cares
١٣. فَعليك صَلى اللَه ما اِنتَعَشت إِلى
لُقياك أَرواح قَذَفن مَرائِرا
14. And God's peace, as long as the morning breeze blows
At night, and the stars twinkle over Kadhimah
١٤. وَكَذا سَلام اللَه ما سَرت الصبا
لَيلاً وَما بَرق بِكاظمة سَرى
15. And upon all his companions and relations
The best of creations, both emigrants and helpers
١٥. وَعَلى الصَحابة وَالقَرابة كُلهم
خَير الخَليقة قاصِراً وَمُهاجرا
16. As long as one stands firm in the religion of God
And the penitent remains patient with afflictions
١٦. ما قامَ في دين الإِله موحد
وَغَدا المُنيب عَلى البَلايا صابِرا