
The secret of the Prophet spread in every race

سار سر النبي في كل جنس

1. The secret of the Prophet spread in every race
And each soul acknowledged his virtue

١. سارَ سر النَبي في كُل جنس
فَأَقرت بِفَضله كُل نَفس

2. The sun of his virtue shone and enveloped
Every sun with the secrets of its light

٢. سَطَعت شَمس فَضله فَتغشت
مِن أَسارير نورها كُل شَمس

3. Ask, if you can, Gabriel about the one
Who spoke to the Lord above the Throne and Chair

٣. سَل إِذا ما استطَعت جبريل عَمَن
خاطب الرَب فَوقَ عَرش وَكُرسي

4. He drew near with intimacy and union and around him circulated
The wine of love in the heart of every goblet

٤. سر بالقُرب وَالوِصال وَدارَت
خمرة الحُب في حشى كُل كاس

5. They kept him company after drawing him near
Two bow lengths in the sanctuaries of holiness

٥. سامروه مِن بَعدِ ما قَربوه
قاب قَوسين في حَضائر قُدس

6. They asked him and inspired him with an answer
And a discourse never spoken by Peter

٦. سَأَلوه وَأَلهَموه جَواباً
وَخِطاباً ما خط يَوماً بِطرس

7. They helped him when they tasked him with law
And delivering it to jinn and mankind

٧. سَددوه إِذا كَلفوه بِشَرع
وَبِتَبليغه لجن وَإنس

8. The Chosen One was blessed with fifty obligations
Lightened for him if they became too heavy to bear

٨. سعد المُصطَفى بِخَمسين فرضاً
خففت عَنهُ إِذا تَناهَت لخمس

9. A group heard him and obeyed
And studied and memorized his revelation

٩. سَمعته عصابة فَأَطاعَت
وَتلت وَحيه بِحفظ وَدَرس

10. They spread the Ahmadi sunnah
And by spreading it dispelled all ambiguity

١٠. سنة أَحمَدية نَشَروها
فَأَزالوا بِنَشرِها كُل لبس