
With your sublime existence, hills of glory arose

بفضلكم السامي الوجود تلالا

1. With your sublime existence, hills of glory arose
And from you shone joy and beauty

١. بِفَضلِكُم السامي الوجود تلالا
وأشرق مِنكُم بَهجة وَجمالا

2. O descendants of Al-Mustafa, our time tasted purity through your secret
So it overflowed in every direction as evidence

٢. بَني المُصطفى مِن سركم وَقتنا صَفا
فَتاه عَلى كُل الجِهات دلالا

3. Through you, the world attained loftiness, so you are
Superior to all other lands and long in duration

٣. سَمَت بِكُم الدُنيا فَأَنتُم لأَهلِها
فَفاقا عَلى كُل البِلاد وَطالا

4. And you are for this universe the axis of its tranquility
Without you, existence would have faltered and declined

٤. وَأَنتُم لِهَذا الكَون قُطب رحاهم
وَلَولاكُم ماد الوُجود وَمالا

5. With your great ancestor, and one like your ancestor
We surpassed all eras in perfection

٥. بجدكم العالي وَمن مثل جدكم
سَمَونا عَلى كُل القُرون كَمالا

6. Thus we are the best of people, from every nation
With the best prophet of God the Exalted

٦. فَنَحنُ خيار الناس مِن كُل أمة
بخير نبي للإله تَعالى

7. O bouquet of nobility from the family of Hashim
You have quenched from the pouring rain pure drink

٧. فَيا دَوحة الأَشراف مِن آل هاشم
سَقَيتُم مِن الغَيث الهتون زلالا

8. You have spread through the lands, so you were
Crescents gleaming in the horizon for its cities

٨. تفرقتم بَين البِلاد فَكُنتُم
لغرتها في الخافِقين هِلالا

9. O inhabitants of al-Hadbaa', passion for you has tormented me
And I have no patience for agony, no, no

٩. فَيا ساكني الحَدباء قَد شاقني الهَوى
إِلَيكُم وَأَما للعذيب فَلا لا

10. You descended upon it, but your mention has soared
To the farthest reaches of the world, inevitably so

١٠. نَزَلتُم بِها لَكِنكُم طار ذكركم
إِلى مُنتَهى الدُنيا وَلَيسَ محالا

11. If you are a rain that has revived its homes
Then its downpour has encompassed existence and streamed

١١. لَئن كُنتُم غَيثاً همى في بيوتها
فَوابله عم الوجود وَسالا

12. And if you are a full moon that has emerged in its sky
Then how abundant is its light in the two horizons!

١٢. وَإِن كُنتُم بَدراً بَدا في سَمائِها
فَكَم ضوؤه في المشرقين تلالا

13. I heard about you - God will never neglect your shade
Thus you have become for all worlds as shade

١٣. سَمعت بِكُم لا يَعدم اللَه ظلكم
فَقَد صرتُم للعالَمين ظِلالا

14. Conversations of virtue, never tiring to hear
Even if the reciter is prolix and overlong

١٤. أَحاديث فَضل لا يمل سَماعها
وَإِن أَطنب التالي لَها وَأَطالا

15. A chain of noble traits, its fragrance
Spreads as a blossom to hearts, and is precious

١٥. مُسلسلة بِالمَكرمات عَبيرها
تَضوع نَشراً لِلقُلوب وَغالى

16. The eulogizer repeats it but has not found when sober
Except to be captivated by its wine and completely indulgent

١٦. يُكررها الشادي فَلم يلف صاحياً
لِخَمرتها إِلا استمالَ وَمالا

17. O you who when remembered brings joy to the heart, you have left me
In separation, yearning with speechless longing

١٧. فَيا مَن بِه يحبى الفُؤاد تَرَكتَني
عَلى البُعد شَوقاً لا أحير مَقالا

18. O Master who mastered all creation through your ancestors
You have been of perfect deeds and sealed virtues

١٨. وَيا سَيداً سادَ الوَرى بِجدوده
لَقَد طبت أَفعالاً وَسدت خِصالا

19. O Ocean whose streams are
For whoever comes seeking drink, pure rivulets

١٩. وَيا أَيُها البَحر الَّذي صارَ وَرده
لِمَن جاءَ يَستسقي النَوال زُلالا

20. O Rain that has revived the souls with thirst in the world
But has continued to pour down in abundance

٢٠. وَيا أَيُّها الغَيث الَّذي في الوَرى هَمى
وَلَكنهُ فَوقَ العفاة تَوالى

21. O Scholar of the world and its inhabitants
Who has filled the seven spheres with majesty

٢١. وَيا عالم الدُنيا وَعالم أَهلها
وَمَن مَلأَ السَبع الطِباق جَلالا

22. And O my Master whose light has illuminated
So no darkness was found in life or misguidance

٢٢. وَنحريرها المَولى الَّذي ضاءَ نوره
فَلم تلف حيفاً في الدنا وَضَلالا

23. O Son of the Messenger and Son of his Cousin
This lineage and perfection is enough for you

٢٣. وَيا ابن رَسول اللَه وَابن ابن عَمه
كَفاكَ بِهَذا سُؤدداً وَكَمالا

24. O Choice One from the Pure Family of Hashim
You have been most worthy for servants and family

٢٤. وَيا بضعة الأَطهار مِن آل هاشم
لَقَد فقت أَهلاً في العِباد وَآلا

25. You have parted from worldly abodes after certainly
Becoming bored of its gardens, O Son of the Noble

٢٥. حَلَلت مِن الدُنيا مَحلاً لَقَد غَدا
بِوجنَتِها يا ابنَ الأَكارم خالا

26. And you have taken a position, that if the shoulders of mountains
Were to bear, it would topple them without delay

٢٦. وَقُمت مَقاماً لَو يَقوم بِحَمله
كَواهل ثَهلان لَصارَ مهالا

27. And you have shown, through noble knowledge, the brother of piety
Forbidden for whoever seeks guidance and state

٢٧. وَأَظهرت بِالعلم الشَريف أَخا التُقى
حَراماً لِمَن يَبغي الهُدى وَحالا

28. And how many favors upon favors you have
In secret, your right hand and left concealed

٢٨. وَكَم لَكُم مِن نعمة غب نعمة
يَميناً كَتَمتُم سرها وَشمالا

29. While the world was once dependents of your ancestor
In this time, they have become dependents for you

٢٩. وَكانَ الوَرى قَبلا عيالاً لجدكم
فَصاروا لَكُم في ذا الزَمان عِيالا

30. I pridefully praise you, O Son of the Two Nobles
Even if I am squeezed for space in the assembly of eulogizers

٣٠. مَدَحتك يا ابن الأَكرَمين تَطفلاً
وَإِن ضقت في نادي المذيع مَجالا

31. But I remain, aided by God the Exalted, successful
With raised banner, preserved from harm

٣١. فَلا زلت مَرفوع اللِواء موفقاً
مَصوناً بِتَأييد الإله تَعالى