1. Congratulations! For time blossoms and flourishes
With Ali's wedding, and the worlds take pride
١. هَنيئاً فَإِن الدَهر يَزهو وَيزهر
بعرس علي وَالعَوالم تفخر
2. He built, above the galaxy, a home
To which Bahram aspires, gazing with hope
٢. بِناء بنى فَوق المَجرة مَنزِلاً
إِلى قَصره بهرام يَرنو وَيَنظر
3. The being is fragranced by his wedding, as though
Ambergris its nose had perfumed and spread
٣. وَعُرس بِهِ طابَ الوجود كَأَنَّما
عَلى أَنفه مِن طيب نَشرك عَنبر
4. A herald of glad tidings in the world, its diffusion is pure
In its folds, joy and bliss abound and unfurl
٤. وَمظهر بُشرى في الوَرى طابَ نَشرها
وَفي طَيها يَبدو السُرور وَينشر
5. Eras of fortune, with the wedding their span prolonged
So for it, a new and repeated feast returned
٥. مَعالم سَعد طالَ بِالعُرس عَهدها
فَعادَ لَها عُرس جَديد مُكرر
6. O Ahmad! Your deeds have always brought good news
Through time, of an unprecedented fortune they tell
٦. فَيا أَحمَد الأَفعال بُشراك لَم تَزل
مَدى الدَهر بِالسَعد الجَديد تبشر
7. A noble house's bride, led by the guide of delight
To the most virtuous house, renowned for its merits
٧. كَريمة بيت زفها رائد الهَنا
لأكرم بيت بِالفَضائل يذكر
8. She came, while the crescent of Yemen on her brow
Gleamed, and from it the star of fortune shone clear
٨. أَتَت وَهلال اليمن فَوق جَبينها
يَلوح وَعَنها كَوكَب السَعد يظهر
9. At the ceremony, she revealed a face chronicling
Glory, and through it, the full moon of fortunes beamed
٩. فَأَبدَت لَدى الإِقبال وجهاً مورخاً
وَجيهاً بِهِ بَدر السَعادات مسفر