1. The full moon shone and lightning flashed in 'Aqeeq,
Your eyes overflowed with intense love.
١. بدر أَضاءَ وَبَرق بِالعَقيق سَرى
فسال طرفك مِن فرط الهَوى وَجَرى
2. I remembered you, and longing stirred within me,
I saw a land illuminated, and light spreading through the land.
٢. ذكرت وَالشوق قَد هاجَت بَلابله
أَرض الغري وَنوراً في الغري وَرى
3. I sensed lightning relating news of a silent land -
A conversation of passion, telling a tale about it.
٣. وَشمت بَرقاً حَكى عَن أَرض كاظمة
حَديث وَجد وَعَنها قَد رَوى خَبرا
4. Why does your heart listen whenever the abode of the beloved is mentioned?
And melt whenever it is recalled?
٤. ما بال قَلبك يصغي كُلما ذكرت
دار الحَبيب وَيَصبو كُلما ذكرا
5. One who has tasted love cannot be released from yearning
For union - and one who has tasted love knows.
٥. ذاقَ الغَرام فَلا يَنفك ذا شجن
إِلى الوِصال وَمَن ذاقَ الغَرام دَرى
6. God has a house in which the breeze of acceptance blows,
Its scent and aroma a fragrance in the world.
٦. لِلّه دار بِها ريح القبول سَرى
وَطيبها وَشَذاها في الوَرى عطرا
7. Light has risen in its corners and mounted high,
The downpour of generosity in it cascading down.
٧. قَد صَعد النور في أَرجائِها وَعَلا
وَصيب الجود فيها صار مُنحدرا
8. So how can clouds, when their hail disperses,
Verify the matter in their hail, for you to see?
٨. فَما الجُمان إِذا حصباؤها انتَثَرَت
فَحقق الأَمر في حَصبائِها لترى
9. And how can perfume, when its breeze carries
Its fragrance, when it passes by at dawn?
٩. وَما العبير إِذا ما ريحها حملت
مِن عطرها حين إِذ مرت بِهِ سحرا
10. It shone and illuminated like a glass lamp
When its solitary light appeared clearly in its niche.
١٠. تَلألأت وَأَضاءَت كَالزجاجة إِذ
مصباحها الفَرد في مشكاتها ظَهَرا
11. I wish passion would return the wandering lightning,
And shatter the prey with its sparks, if they flash.
١١. لَيتَ الهياج يرد الشوس شاردة
وَيحطم الصيد بِالخطار إِن خطرا
12. With a white flame in its stove it would seize
And melt from its heat when hitting the valleys.
١٢. يَسطو بأبيض في إفرنده شعل
يَذوب مِن حرها عِندَ الوقاع حرا
13. The hearts of enemies have become its sheaths, and their
Livers on the day of Badr and Qalib became cisterns.
١٣. أَضحت قُلوب الأَعادي غمده وَغدَت
أَكبادهم يَوم بَدر وَالقليب قرى
14. And how many long lives it gave to drink a draft
That intoxicated when it touched their skulls.
١٤. وَكَم سقى مِنهُ عمراً شربة ملئت
لَما أَلَم عَلى راووقها سكرا
15. And at Quraydhah, when they were only eight
Hundred, it attacked their encampment and fled.
١٥. وَفي قريظة إِذا كانوا ثَمانية
مِن المِئات عَلا لباتهم وَفَرى
16. And towards Marhab of the impenetrable fortress, and he of
Resolute determination, whose limit was to slay.
١٦. وَنَحو مرحب ذي الحصن المَنيع وَذي ال
عَزم الأَبي بِماضي حده نحرا
17. The well-chested, among the mass of Kharijites
It destroyed when their blood flowed in Nahrawan.
١٧. ذوو الثدية في جَمع الخَوراج قَد
أَباد إِذ دَمهم في النهروان جَرى
18. And how many clusters they became, due to its blade,
And multitudes, like violent waves it shattered.
١٨. وَكَم كماة غدوا جزراً لمرهفه
وَجحفل مثل موج أَليم قَد كسرا
19. Its supporter was the rightly-guided Al-Mu'ayyad Al-Din,
Who never ceased to give victory to the party of God's Messenger.
١٩. مؤيد ظاهر الدين القَويم وَلَم
يَزل لحزب رسول اللَه مُنتَصِرا
20. From the family of Khandaf, auspicious of forehead, and he who
Appeared over the noses of the pagan armies.
٢٠. مِن آل خندف ميمون الجبين وَمن
عَلى أنوف جيوش الشرك قَد ظهرا
21. Father of Dust, Commander of the Faithful, and he by
Whose merit the masters of masters ruled.
٢١. أَبو تراب أَمير المُؤمنين وَمَن
بفضله سادت السادات وَالأَمرا
22. Husband of the maiden, pure of origin - she was blessed
By the overflowing of his spirit of chastity and poverty.
٢٢. زوج البتول نقي الأَصل قَد سعدت
بفيض راحته العافون وَالفقرا
23. Ocean of knowledge, its spring of virtue, mine of
Wisdom - he narrates and flows from him whenever fresh.
٢٣. بحر العُلوم عباب الفَضل معدنه
يروي وَيصدر مِنهُ كُلما زخرا
24. Brother of the Messenger and minister - I do not deny him,
And ties of kinship rightly bring joy to ministry.
٢٤. أَخو الرَسول وَزير لست أنكره
وَبِالأَقارب حَقاً تسعد الوزرا
25. His rank encompassed the celestial spheres,
And his superiority filled the world without pride.
٢٥. سَعت عَلى فلك الأَفلاك رتبته
وَفضله ملأ الدُنيا بِغَير مرا
26. Master of the army, bold in battle, when
The conflict grew heated and war flared up.
٢٦. السيد القرم مقدام الجيوش إِذا
حمي الوطيس وَشب الحَرب وَاستعرا
27. Lion of the den and sword of the early Muslims, to
The fire of passions, to fell all disbelievers.
٢٧. لَيث العَرين وَسَيف السابقين إِلى
نار الهياج ليردي كُل من كَفرا
28. Wise scholar, as if God molded him
With kindness, and originated him from His bounty.
٢٨. حبر حَكيم كَأَن اللَه صوره
لطفاً وَأنشأه مِن فَضله وَبرا
29. Or he was hidden light, then made manifest,
Until he formed, at the zenith of highness, a moon.
٢٩. أَو كانَ نوراً خَفياً ثُم أَظهره
حَتّى تشكل في أَوج العُلى قَمَرا
30. O foremost of people in Islam, of purest
Origin, and most fragrant branch when it blossoms.
٣٠. يا أَول الناس إِسلاماً وَأَعرقهم
أَصلاً وَأَطيبهم فرعا إِذا نشرا
31. There has come in the definitive verse your praise -
Recited to us when the reciter of the Book reads.
٣١. قَد جاءَ في النَص وَالتَنزيل مدحكم
يتلى عَلَينا إِذا قاري الكِتاب قَرا
32. "Take charity while bowing," so one who hopes
To attain your towering glory restricts himself.
٣٢. تُؤتوا الزكاة وَأَنتُم راكِعون فَمن
رامَ اللحوق بسامي مجدكم حصرا
33. "God has purified you from all filth,
And cleansed you of defilement, wherever you were."
٣٣. اللَهُ طهركم مِن كُلِّ فاحشة
وَأذهب الرجس عَنكُم أَينما حضرا
34. Prolonged has been my yearning for the grave in which you settled,
When it contained an ocean overflowing with mystical knowledge.
٣٤. طالَ اشتياقي إِلى قَبر حللت بِه
إِذا ضم بَحراً مِن العرفان قَد زخرا
35. My heart has become ill from Shawwal to Sha'ban,
Whenever Rajab comes and I prepare for Safar.
٣٥. أعلل القَلب من شهر إلى سنة
إِذا أَتى رجب وَأعدته صفرا
36. And whenever I stand from your visit, worldly matters seat me,
And if I want to journey, excuses detain me.
٣٦. وَكُلَما قمت دَهري عَنكَ يقعدني
وَإِن أَردت مسيراً قامَ معتَذِرا
37. You have no insight, O times! For you have
Delayed me, though the guide of the guided traveled.
٣٧. لا در درك يا هَذا الزَمان فَقَد
أَخرتني وَدَليل المدلجين سَرى
38. What of one who came crookedly, severed?
But he has attained what he loved, so he won.
٣٨. ماذا عَلى مَن أَتى في العوج منقطِعا
لَكنهُ بِالَّذي يَهواه قَد ظفرا
39. And one who comes to you humiliated, you return dignified.
I have abandoned my people, homeland, and dwelling places,
٣٩. ها قَد أَتيتك غب القَوم منكسرا
وَمَن أَتاكُم كَسيراً رَد منجبرا
40. And one who aspires to the sublime and lofty is patient.
And I came to Baghdad, O Son of the North, from Mudar,
٤٠. هَجَرت قَومي وَأَوطاني وَمُنتَجعي
وَمَن يَروم المَعالي وَالعُلى صَبرا
41. For one who wants grace should come to Mudar.
I pitched my tent, hopes, and what my soul sought,
٤١. وَجئت بابل يا ابن الشم من مضر
وَمَن أَرادَ نَوالاً فَليجئ مضرا
42. What came to my mind, what occurred to me, and what I imagined.
And I stood in the radiant court, supplicating,
٤٢. حَططت رحلي وَآمالي وَما طَلبت
نَفسي وَما جالَ في ذكري وَما خطرا
43. And became, through its evident light, dazzled.
So by God's spirit, a grave from you I have not recited
٤٣. وَقُمت في الحَضرة الفَيحاء مُبتَهِلاً
وَصرت مِن نورِها الوَضاح مُنبَهِرا
44. Verses of truth, nor read a reading, and intoned.
٤٤. فَروح اللَه قَبراً مِنكَ ما تليت
آيات حَق وَما تال تَلا وَقرا